Selling WPT Global passport Dollars and action

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Selling WPT Global passport Dollars and action

Hello, I´m René and a MTT player . I was grinding up some Tournament $ on WPT global for some time and want to sell or use it now in mostly Live MTT´s. I got multiple entries in the WPT world championship as passport $ so if you want to play the main event, I would sell you the 10,4k entry for 9,88k , so 520 less (5%) . Addidionally, for the P$ not to expire I will have to use some on live events. You can stake me at no markup and you will get at least 5% ROI on avarage. Im new in this community so I´m happy for any serious connections.
If you know anyone who would be interested in buying or staking in near future let me know! my Discord is goodieesports .

You can find the information to the passport dollars at this link

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