Scoop M Warmup Event , Late Day 1
Posted by Nick Howard
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Nick Howard
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High Stakes
Scoop M Warmup Event , Late Day 1
Blinds: t1,500/t3,000 (8 Players)
BB: 167,474 (Hero)
UTG: 320,385
UTG+1: 261,146
MP: 182,158
MP+1: 70,792
CO: 395,163
BN: 185,330
SB: 235,992
UTG: 320,385
UTG+1: 261,146
MP: 182,158
MP+1: 70,792
CO: 395,163
BN: 185,330
SB: 235,992
no relevant history. CO is Isildroon. It is my first multiway BB lead at the table.
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What are you flatting the RR with as CO. What are you felting with?
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Looks like a good flop to flat every set. I don't see myself playing 56s this way or any A2s, A5s, certain villains might though. CO could also be playing an overpair this way.
Turn I'm calling you with every set, and probably QQ plus (1010-JJ is difficult and I may call as well against certain players).
I'm curious what the point of the question is.
To get an idea about what GTO ranges are in this spot or just a poll on the population ?
As a midstakes cash eurotard who played this MTT (but who doesn't play MTTs usually) I can help with a poll.
Preflop :
I'd flat wide : AQo and stuff that plays well postflop, suited broadways, 65s+ JJ-22, because the open was small and that tournament players don't bet big postflop.
Not really sure what I'd do with T8s-75s fold or threebet depending on my mood/reads (are they squeezy behind me ?).
Same, not really sure for suited aces below ATs, but flat or threebet, no folds.
So TT-22, AQs-A9s, A5s-A3s, KTs+, QTs+, J9s+, T8s+, 97s+, 86s+, 75s+, 65s, 54s, AQo
would be the widest range I see the flop with if I'm in a loose mood.
Flop :
I'd raise 44-33 almost all the time. A5s probably. A9s maybe.
I'd raise gutshots only if I'm feeling super ghetto, but I'd usually flat them given pot odds / position / multiway.
For the reraise I'd call with everything that can beat or improve to beat 43.
Turn :
Against the turn shove I might fold A9s if I'm in a foldy mood.
I'd call 76s and 75s (and puke on my keyboard if you show 76) hoping that you ever bluff with less there ??
In a nutshell the turn is good for the flop range I described so I'm not folding.
I obviously haven't strategized for this spot and I'm just giving you ranges that I would play in in the heat of the tourney. Now I see that I may need more flop bluffs (bottom/mid pair plus draw maybe ?).
ps : MTT players, please leakfind my preflop, do you think it's a mistake to fold AJ KQ in this spot ?
as to the preflop stuff, if you think you can call 22 or 65s, which is both questionable, then AJ/KQo is quite an easy call too.
Agree, it seems inconsistent to play these two but not the 'trouble hands', I guess I'm just lazy and want stuff that plays well post
Definetly raising every set, gutshots with backdoors, and 56 because OR flat looks super weak and your lead looks pretty weak as well, like A9-T9 (just made hands that want protection). As the CO my range would consist of all sets and all combos of 56. Personally in this spot as CO I would hate my life with any overpair, so wouldnt be stacking off with those hands, and seeing taht your line looks so strong i would probably only stack off with 56 obv, 44 and 99, probably find a hero fold with 33.
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