SB vs BB
Posted by natarish123
Posted by natarish123 posted in Mid Stakes
SB vs BB
Live Tourney Day 1a
Entrants: 399
Pays 40 spots. Players left: 89
Blinds: 1200/2400 ante 400
Hero: 135k (Image: TAG)
Villian: 350k (Day 1d Chipleader) (He doubled
up a shortie on a earlier hand AT < AJ..) otherwise, Image: Nitty.
folded around to Hero (SB) T8
Hero raises to 5500, Villian
FLOP: 9 6 3
Hero C-bets 6000, Vill calls
Hero bets 13k into 27k, vill
River: 9
Hero bets 25k into 53k, Vill
min-raises.....Hero FOLDS.
Is this board triple barrel happy or I should
have chk the turn??
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live i'd triple barrel this all day... river is not the greatest card ever if he folds 6x OTT to the second barrel but most live players don't
If he doesn't double float. then what are good river cards to triple barrel on. I believe 9 was one of the worst cards to triple barrel on.
"Image: nitty."
X/f river.
2 barrel is mandatory but x/f that river I agree
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