SB (18BB) range raise / call or raise / fold versus BB (20BB)
Posted by tconservani
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Low Stakes
SB (18BB) range raise / call or raise / fold versus BB (20BB)
Hi everyone,
I was on semi-FT MTT $2 1R1A, 22 players alive around of $500 for first. I had 18BB on SB and BB 20BB, my stack was the ecffective stack, BB was a professional poker player off Brasil, and He was tight on tgis table, something like VPIP 16% PR 15%, fold to steal (late position) 64%. In this spot I known he never call a miniraise, he go allin or fold, and If I shove he pay nearly nash range.
I had KJo and go All-in, he pay me with AJo, standard for booth I think, I try this hand on Holden Resources and ICMIZER and then configure a range for he call me on ATo+, A9s+, KJo+, KTs+, 88+. I try other ranges with Qx but think bot and pairs 22-77 think he not call to.
KJ sure is a shove +EV.
But I have questions:
1- May I could raise / fold or raise call part of my range with only 18BB?
2- What is botton and top range to do this raise / fold ?
I try this questions on CREV (card runners EV), use Max Exploit Tool, and says that I could open raise/fold with many hands like A5o and raise/call with top hands like TT, AK. But It is correct ?
May I could raise / fold versus reg on seni-FT and FT with only 18BB ?
Sory for bad english...
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A push is probably EV+ but with a push you don't exploit villain's tendencies. Against a LAG player, I'd snap open push KJ here (and hands like A2o) and raise (to induce) /call hands like A8o+; but against a TAG player, I'd probably raise/fold KJo since we know when he shoves, we are not so good.
I think here because was a TAG player, raise/fold was pretty nice
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