Riverspot in miniFTOPS main

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Riverspot in miniFTOPS main

UTG2: abibrunson: 246050
LJ: moreno61: 733422
HJ: rgb187: 341994
CO: FishMobRep: 696855
BN: Jazzer32: 215221
SB: SaMYRa1: 238224
BB: Hero: 503023
UTG: Lee Chang: 187991
UTG1: mrNemo: 119612
Preflop (15000) (9 Players)
Hero was dealt 5 A
Lee Chang folds, mrNemo folds, abibrunson folds, moreno61 folds, rgb187 raises to 20000, FishMobRep folds, Jazzer32 folds, SaMYRa1 folds, Hero calls 10000
Flop (45000) 5 5 4 (2 Players)
Hero checks, rgb187 checks
Turn (45000) 7 (2 Players)
Hero bets 29500, rgb187 calls 29500
River (104000) A (2 Players)
Hero bets 40200, rgb187 raises to 123456

Have no real reads on him other than that he's been very active playing 31/29 w 28% 3bet over 40hands. 

Postflop he seems pretty passive tho.

Comments on all streets are welcome but i think it the riverdesicion that's kinda interesting..


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Tom M 11 years, 10 months ago
Considering he could have one worse boat and he can have all the flushes and only 2 better boats I feel like we can jam here and feel fine about it.

We have a blocker to aces full and if he has 7s full well... ok nh. But it feels like we're missing value by just calling.

Can def. make some sort of argument for leading out but I like the check, too. We really don't have many 5x in our range at all - just A5, and maybe 54, 65, and 75 suiteds.
MightySparow 11 years, 10 months ago

I dont think we got enough value by jamming river. The best hand that a5 beats and makes sense with this line is a7, 54 and Im not sure he is calling a7 calling tbh. I think AA(1 combo ofc) is in his range because you have Ah on the board is Ac so he has As so he is not scared of turn spade and can checkback. 

If you call and win you have 67bb if lose 33bb so its not end of the world if you lose it

But when you lose by shoving you will have only 16bbs and if he calls and you win its 84. In my opinion shoving its too risky in this tournament (main event), because soft is too weak and you can exploit oponnents in more small ball spots. I dont know if its itm or no but I think ME this year had huge overlay so its much more profitable to get into money. also

Ozzy 11 years, 10 months ago

This spot is awfully close. I'd assume his calling range should be like: 3 combo of 77, 1 combo of AA (I'm assuming he'll play aces this way 1 out of 3 times, I'd expect cbet very often here, propably like 90%, but let's assume it's 2/3), 1 combo of 54s (I assume he's folding offsuit and 3 suits are blocked), 1 combo of 75s, 2 combos of A5, 3 combos of 44.

Total, we win against 44, 54s, 75s = 5 combos, we chop with 2 combos, and we lose against 77, AA = 4 combos. 

If we expect him to miss cbet with 6s8s & AA we should just call - otherwise it's cEV+ shove.

John Shamwoww 11 years, 10 months ago

I am wagering all my chips here. If he has us beat, just punch your wall. 

Also, i'd bet bigger river. The river smashes his flop check back and turn calling range. I'd bet around 61500 or something. Could go bigger if he likes calling. 

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