Riverspot in Big162 vs andreyluis

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Riverspot in Big162 vs andreyluis

Blinds: t3,200/t6,400 (6 Players) CO: 81,381
BN: 266,841
SB: 59,680
BB: 287,620
UTG: 499,340
MP: 143,132 (Hero)
Preflop (9,600) Hero is MP with 6 8
UTG folds, Hero raises to 12,800, 3 folds, BB calls 6,400
Flop (33,600) 5 7 3
BB checks, Hero bets 13,500, BB calls 13,500
Turn (60,600) 5 7 3 7
BB checks, Hero checks
River (60,600) 5 7 3 7 9
BB bets 28,800, Hero raises to 116,032 and is all in, BB calls 87,232

The point of opening this hand is that I'd been running pretty tight stats (15/12) and got respect most times I raised. In addition the two shortstacks didn't reshove enough and the most agg. player folded UTG. So my range will look alot stronger opening into those shorties. Villain runs 20/17 over 127 hands.

I think on the flop I don't want to go much bigger to be able to comfortably barrel on turns

On the turn I can't rep anything by betting since his range is much more nutted and 7x heavy than mine.

Now what should we do OTR? He occassionally has 33 55 but i guess he 3bet shoves them quite often. But he also has a bunch of 7x from 74s-A7s and 67o-T7o, A7o which I somehow feel we should get value off. I don't consider him having 75 or 35s since he would c/r them OTF. What's your line here?

appreciate all comments, thx :)

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