River Spot in Sunday 500
Posted by Grayson Ramage
Posted by
Grayson Ramage
posted in
High Stakes
River Spot in Sunday 500
UTG2: Jon Doe: 0
UTG3: FHstyles: 437409
LJ: AZAZELLL0: 188868
HJ: hibachi41 is sitting out: 126091
CO: blumenkind53: 362894
BN: TheHood: 150579
SB: Milana Jones: 90537
BB: cruiserR1200: 98367
UTG: gray31: 212345
UTG1: Festivuss: 281699
UTG3: FHstyles: 437409
LJ: AZAZELLL0: 188868
HJ: hibachi41 is sitting out: 126091
CO: blumenkind53: 362894
BN: TheHood: 150579
SB: Milana Jones: 90537
BB: cruiserR1200: 98367
UTG: gray31: 212345
UTG1: Festivuss: 281699
(9 Players)
gray31 was dealt
gray31 raises to 12000, Festivuss raises to 26700, FHstyles folds, AZAZELLL0 folds, Jon Doe folds, blumenkind53 folds, TheHood folds, Milana Jones folds, cruiserR1200 folds, gray31 calls 14700
gray31 raises to 12000, Festivuss raises to 26700, FHstyles folds, AZAZELLL0 folds, Jon Doe folds, blumenkind53 folds, TheHood folds, Milana Jones folds, cruiserR1200 folds, gray31 calls 14700
(2 Players)
gray31 checks,
Festivuss checks
(2 Players)
gray31 bets 28765,
Festivuss calls 28765
(2 Players)
gray31 bets 68765,
Festivuss raises to 225634
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also this is a 4bet or fold preflop. If he has been active making it 60k preflop would jam his stack and he would be forced into a push/fold mode
He's creative enough to cry and call IMO.
In saying that, I think the way you played the hand was fine and fold the river. He is a reg and knows you're getting over 4-1 on river vs a jam when your range is not capped in any way.
I don't really expect him to turn Ax into a bluff, I think he would call with that a lot. If we take the Ax out of his range, the amount of hands he can actually have on the river to bluff with is quite slim.
What do you think about a weak lead on the flop though? Or would that look fishy to him with what he knows of how you play?
On the river it's just a huge sigh and I think he'll show up a fair amount with AJo.
I'll still call because that's the only hand he tries to represent and when we donk a turned J and the river comes another J. The odds of us have a J in our hand are getting a lot smaller.
I'll give villain enough credit to read our hand range as 88-TT, not a lot of 7x and the only thing he'll assume we will bet/call with is Jx.
Besides I give enough credit to villain to grab his balls and shove AK here instead of hero calling and try to fold the bottom of our value range.. Which would make me call.
I also think he will check back AK and maybe AQ a reasonable amount of the time (sure this means AJ pops in every now n then too but negligible to AK/AQ regarding how often he will 3b AJ as standard and further not cbet flop. It's super tempting for him to call call with these a high hands on this board but with river stacks as they are and with how strong jamming looks and how tight it should supposedly make your bet calling range he is getting a joke sick price on bluffing you off your weaker value hands (AA KK QQ TT 99 88, 7x???? lol). IF he thinks A high is close on river and is leaning towards calling i think jamming is significantly better for this spot it puts you in even with a hand as strong as yours. (Havent got a lot of history with him to know how capable he is of something like this)
I would still 100% value bet and use your sizing but the main reason is to get max value from AA KK QQ TT rather than necessarily Ax - unless he's going to bet call river with these hands we get way more from our own sizing and its not even unreasonable to see him hero check back some of that range.
I think we get shown JJ a greater amount that we want to but yeah I would 100% be calling river and I doubt I fold any hand that i had bet for value on the river (although i guess not now against anyone reading this thread)
fwiw id lean towards folding preflop 35bbs deep here, but am in no way completely against calling as its cool to have a non nutted/broadway flatting range here. (i realise this isnt river thoughts)
Maybe bet a bit smaller on river to get value from QQ-AA, Ax, etc. and fold to shove? ...or check to induce a bluff, lose min vs. jack, and possibly induce QQ-AA to value bet?
I like your line and sizing throughout the hand.
Pretty gross spot. I like a fold though. He would have to be turning a high into a bluff and you certainly can't discount kj qj taking a check flop line completely. I dont hate a call but just chip ev wise I feel this is a really gross fold.
Y + he could assume we are blockbeting w/ A-high, if we go even a little smaller
haha no, pretty easy fold.
In my opinion Festivuss is quite likely thinking that YOU are only calling with a J in your hand, despite your riverbet which appears to be to big for numerous reasons. If he arrives at this conclusion he likes your too big river bet even better (since it will win him even more chips if you fold).
His range is so wide here and yes - he might have a J or even JJ. But he could have almost anything as far as I see it.
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