Required Sharkscope Skill Level Formula for MTTs
Posted by JWPapi
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High Stakes
Required Sharkscope Skill Level Formula for MTTs
So on Sharkscope you can find out the average Skill Level for a Tourney, and I was wondering how good you have to be to be a winning player on a given field.
So if the avg skill level of the players is 70. You probably wont make money on if you are just 72. I tried to find a way to determine how much better than the average player you have to be. Therefore I had to do some discussable assumptions:
-- You have to be one of the best 10% of players to profit on a tournament
-- The skill level is distributed normal (If you draw a random player you have the same probability hes 5 levels lower than average as higher than the average)
-- I assume that the range is distributed in between a range thats determined by the lower difference to either 50 or 99. So with 70 the difference to 50 is 20 and to 99 its 29. So I assume the 3 deviation range is from 50-90.
That are the best assumption I could made. Im happy if someone can make better one.
So with that figures i just divide the range limit by 3 and have a standard deviation. (20/3 = 6.6666..7). If I now want to find the Skill Level to be one of the TOP 10% players you just calc AVG Skill Level + 1.281552 * Standard Deviation (yeah that's the value inside which 80% of all values in a normal distribution are). And we would end up with 78,54 here.
I also made a small jsfiddle so you just have to type in the avg skill to calculate the required skill.
How to improve the formula
So to make the formula more accurate the most important steps would be
a) Gather Information about the standard deviation of skill levels in a tourney.
The only way to do it currenty, would just like click either all players of one or more tourneys and gather data points paired with the avg skill of the tourney or if possible click random players and gather data points. Its an enormous task Im currently not willing to do lawl. Maybe a crawler could do this or I talk to Sharkscope, maybe they can build a new feature or stuff.
b)Determine the % of winning players in a tourney
To determine this exactly you would probably need even more data than for a). I thought maybe a good solution would be to find the lowest rank player on officialpokerrankings that is still a profitable player. And just check his percentage. That would be a pretty educated guess. Maybe some more experienced player can guess better than 10% here. It should also be different for different structures. Since more edge is possible with bigger stacks and more time.
Further information
-- be aware that tourneys decrease in average skill the longer they run. Mostly regs reg before a tourney start. So if you check a not yet started tourney on Sharkscope, better take the same tourney from yesterday.
-- different times different skill levels. In the evening the fields are a bit tougher than in the night and in the morning.
Im happy over every point you find to critizise. See this just as a first sketch.
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We dont need an edge on 90% of field to be +ROI. We can be average compared to field but be good at exploiting fish, while forcing better players to play big pots when against us, and still have positive ROI in field where we are not inherently a favorite.
Pretty cool formula though, definitely food for thought.
If you are in the best 10 % based on sharkscope rating, that does not mean you are having edge on 90% on the field, since its result based, but like you are one of the top 10% roi wise, so the point you made is already included. I hope you get what im saying, ppl that have the ability your talking about will already have a higher scope rating..
I actually never noticed this sharkscope's function. If I understand this right, the skill level of the tournament is the average of the skill levels of all the players playing this tournament ?
If so, I think your calculations are biaised. Sharkscope doesn't give the formula, but I'm pretty sure the personal skill level of a player is VERY impacted by his ABI. I used to look at this number since I understood this. You can find players with a 90 skill level having much less profits than 80 players just because their ABI is much higher. That's why I think the Sharkscope formula is too weighed toward the ABI, they should adjust the formula to give more weight to total profit and ROI.
So yeah, you can be a winning player if you are 78 on a 88 field.
I like this topic and your work, but it lies on an probably wrong assumption, which is the higher the skill level of a player, the better he is.
Nice work man.
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