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Good Morning

UTG - Limp
Hero - QQ / UTG + 1 / 47BB - I bet 3.5x
Dealer - Shove 12BB
UTG Shove 55BB

Fold or Call????
My position is 10/ 50 Players - Deep Stack 2,20
UTG Limp many hands..... But he's agressive


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felt2felt 8 years, 3 months ago

Even if villains range is something like this: JJ+,AQs+,AQo+ we're only running 51% equity with our QQ.

With an even tighter range: QQ+,AKs,AKo we are running 40% equity

Do you want to flip a coin for your tournament life when You're 10th out of 50? You're still in a great spot and you started the hand with 47 bbs and have only invested 3.5x.

We are getting around 1.5-1 on a call which is tempting...but It's probably better to try and chip up in other ways by stealing blinds and small pots and picking on short stacks. A coin flip situation preflop is not what we want with a guy who has us covered.

m1k3PKR 8 years, 3 months ago

I think fold...U have a good stack and probably u flip with most of the utg range. In this situation i will preferred play low variance against big stacks

Ricardo Rita 8 years, 2 months ago

What is villains stats? vpip/pfr/3bet/4bet ?
i would have a really hard time not putting these QQ in here , we are 10/50 left but those spots dont usually pay much , that being said ICM isnt a big factor here.
villain is loose agro, so he limps we open 3.5x and BTN shoves, what is the BTN range? Ax+22+? 1010+? broadways? or doesnt the BTN's range count for something here?
With that the limper here shoving what can he have then?He can Limp small pocket pairs 22+ and tried reshoving to iso the short. its a tough spot.
Running the shorty at 15% of the range and the villain(limper) at 35% of the range we have 54.16% equity here , so i guess i would call here

Samni 8 years, 2 months ago

I don't think I'm folding here. As said in earlier messages, he'll often try to push you out of the pot with his reshove. He will have smaller pocket pairs ALOT of time here. Every once in a blue moon he's trapping with kings and aces but given how the hand is played, I guess he's more likely wanting to iso the shorty shove, than to have a monster. If he had kings or aces and he limped them utg, i'd be much more worried when he flatted the shorty shove tbh but I'd still have a hard time folding QQ here. I'd need a pretty strong read that his limpshove is really strong to give up QQ.
Also ICM is no factor and you need to final these tourneys to make some money so 100% go for that top 5 spot.

newearthling 8 years, 1 month ago

I would get it in.
Like Samni, I think he does have a smaller PP or Ax here a lot and likes to iso the SS all in, so you should be (way) ahead of his range, especially if he is loose/aggro.

If there was no short stack shove between you, you should be more cautious and folding does becomes more reasonably, but still then, without reads I would get it in.

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