Pre flop bet sizing

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Pre flop bet sizing

It is standard today everyone to min bet preflop. I have been looking for some theoretical analysis of why a min raise pre flop is optimal but cannot find any videos around this topic.

Since this is our most often decision the combination of preflop ranges and corresponding bet size seems the most important question whatsoever.

The issue I have with min raises is that it gives a price to the B.B. that can be called very very often, which is precisely what we need to avoid.

So again I am looking for articles or videos explaining why min bets are gto ideal or not.

Thank you!!!


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Pedro Madeira 6 years, 9 months ago

People tend to minraise mostly beacuse everyone is playing wider ranges and stacks are too shallow.

Regards to BB calling too much, doens't matter because they are going to have such a hard time to defend appropriately pos flop as in most cases will have an equity/range disadvantage.

I guess you can find some theoretical vids about it in the cash game section.

tconservani 6 years, 8 months ago

I think it depends ! If BB call a lot preflop, but fold more than common on flops, is a good thing to win more chips on long run.

Maybe If BB is short or He is an a agressive/good player we have to increase the preflop size ?

Pedro Madeira 6 years, 8 months ago

You can increase sizing but not in a way that you have to considerably shorten your range. So instead of making it 2x you can go up to 2.6 and that automatically will have BB defending less (if he is a good player)

erdian 6 years, 8 months ago

I do alot of 3x preflop raising in my live 9-handed game. As it makes it easier to 4-bet light aswell as play deeper postflop. Somebody better then me said my openraise is a mistake and should be bigger. But I feel more comfortable play wise with opening smaller unless there is a spesific reason not to.

Do you think my logic is flawed somewhere?

Pedro Madeira 6 years, 8 months ago

I do not see a reason to decrease SPR if you have an edge pos flop. But lets say for example 4xing generate more FE pre than 3x, it could be a good idea to use it.

ORif you play a very nitty style and want to increase pot with this value hands.

BarracudaNL 6 years, 8 months ago

"The issue I have with min raises is that it gives a price to the B.B. that can be called very very often, which is precisely what we need to avoid. "

Why do you want to avoid that?

Our goal in picking our bet sizes is not to get the big blind to fold. If that were the case, we would just be jamming 100BB.

The truth is that our range doesn't care if the big blind calls or folds per se. Our range cares that most of our opponents' range that plays back struggles against us. That way, we maximize our range's equity.

2xing tends to do that better than 3xing. The reason is that there are a lot more medium-to-weak hands in the big blinds range than there are strong hands.

As far as why tournaments tend to have smaller bet sizings than tournaments: the key reason is the effect of stack sizes. If you 2x from the hijack with a bunch of 15bb stacks behind, the cut-off, button, and small blind just have such a tough time playing against you, because they cannot flat a lot of hands given that a bunch of stacks behind can shove. This gives the 2x more leverage. Conversely, a 3x struggles facing all-ins, as now even our marginal hands get great pot odds.

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