Plugging MTT leaks / pondering creative plays. #1 Resteal Study
Posted by gnac
Posted by gnac posted in Mid Stakes
Plugging MTT leaks / pondering creative plays. #1 Resteal Study
Hi. I'm a long time MTT player that decided to get better. I consider myself a slightly above average reg but this does not satisfy my ambition. Currently on a 0-7 scale I use to classify MTT players for my color notes I put myself at 5,75. I'm very dedicated, but missing a community of players that opinions I respect and who challange me in my learning process, so I post here hoping to start some sort of discussion/network more. Feel free to point any flaws in my thinking process or ask questions, depending on how this is received I will post more of such analysis and thoughts regarding various MTT spots.
SB vs. steal ~40 BB effective:
First thoughts: vs. any thinking opponent I don't like this resteal. It's completely unbalanced and transparent. Maybe its actually fine just because how wide his opening range is?
Even isolated from all other hands, those small pair still show good profit. They play bad postflop, and seem like a waste to 3b/f vs a range full of brodways/AX, folding this much equity isn't something I want to do.
I should certainly have a wide 3b range here with plenty of 3b/c and 3b/f. Also should have a flat range. Jam is not good vs tighter opening range.
Vs. player that opens anywehre between 40 and 60% buttons, the small pair range, isolated from other hands are unexploitable resteals. However, vs. weaker opponents with tighter opening range they become losing plays. So even with your hand face up, vs frequent stealer you can jam this many BBs. Even a savvy opponent, knowing exactly your range, will not call you properly, either because of stack utility, avoiding high variance spots for big stacks, or just because he doesn't know how to adjust, because it's not a spot many investigate. So for now, until proven otherwise, I'll keep doing those big stack transparent resteals. I will NEVER get called by 86s for a 35BB resteal.
This reminds me of how I experimented with just jaming AQo and AKo in those 35+BB resteal spots. Just because villain is supposed to defend a lot vs 3bets, taking this play away from him and locking an immediate profit with preflop folds is big. Even when I 3b to 4x here with AKs, and he flats, he will win postflop plenty of times. Those resteals seemed very good at the time both from BB and SB. An argument for non jam 3b with those is inducing light 4bet, however seems like these days (post solver) the prefered play is to flat the 3b in position, which makes the jam more enticing. Pay attention to 4b stat in your hud.
I think you still need to have a 3b/f, 3b/c and flat range in this spot. Extremely villain dependent spot. One big disadvantage to this strategy is splitting the range so much that an observant opponent might be able to adjust very well. However, given how MTTs are an extremely exploitable enviroment I think this is the way to go.
It's tempting to play more flat call SB vs steal. The obvious argument for 3b is that steal ranges are wide and it's good to lock the preflop profit, but other times you either fold to 4bets or play a bloated pot oop when villain flats. Vs. a wide range, and overcall possibility from BB, it may be good to flat suited brodways and some suited aces vs those steals. The fact that their range is wide to begin with means that I'll be able to exploit that postflop too (for example by x/r flop). 3b/c and 3b/f hands can be mixed into flat range, it's a matter of adjusting frequencies to villains tendencies.
Don't flat offsuit hands in SB 40bb effective. Shallower they could be good just because of how strong flopping a top pair is.
Conclusion: I think it's smart to extend my 3b jam range by quite a bit vs players that steal wide (anything >40%). It might seem like a loss of value with hands as strong as AKs, but it's not. The preflop pot is big enough that you want to win it without showdown. This changes with 50+bb.
SB vs. CO 11bb effective:
First thoughts: Fold because he won't r/f much vs my stacksize, however vs. a reasonably wide opener it might be a jam. Range I'd jam here: 55+, TJs+, A7o+, A2s+, QJo+, KTo+ (~22%).
Before resteal, ask yourself: is villain likely to make a mistake? What sort of mistake? Will he call it off too loose or too tight? This can greatly affect your range.
Villain should rarely fold. If I suspect he is overfolding this spot I can rejam like crazy. This seems to be a somewhat spreading tendency among decent players these days, to r/f vs. those 10-12BB resteals because a hand like A2o will too often be dominated / not giving credit for wide enough resteal ranges to make the call profitable.
Even tho villain is not supposed to fold much, I can still jam a lot because steal range should be wide to begin with. So if he opens 35% and is priced in to call with 30% there are plenty of weak hands that he needs to call it off with. It's a high variance spot, however on this stack depth those need to be taken. The risk reward is good for the shorstack, not much to lose, a lot to gain.
*Vs. 35% CO which I consider the 'medium' type, I can profitably jam 24% from SB with 10.5bb. 22+, A5o+, K9s+, JTs+, KTo+. (My initial assumptions weren't that far of, but vs a loose player this will change.)
*Vs. 40% CO 'high' type (but still not crazy) I can do 28%. Now I can jam A2o+, K7s+ and T9s+. Once the OR starts folding some hands I should jam around the same, but all my weakest hands now gain significant edge (can add QTo, K9o, K6s).
*Vs. 48% CO, which I can start considering as a maniac (need to see some showdowns and confirm he actually opens this wide before labeling this way), my resteal range extends to 33%. It's not as much about how many more hands I can jam, but how profitable those jams become.
*Vs. 29% CO 'low' type resteal range tightens to 19% and OR is actually supposed to fold A2-A4o. I can rejam JTs+, KJo+, A7o+.
Conclusion: My idea of this spot was solid. There can be some slight adjustments made vs wide villains. Pay attention anytime someone showsdown a weak CO open, look at your notetracker.
*Vs. 15% EP 'low' range. Surprisingly EP is supposed to r/f plenty of AXs, I thought the suitedness made them too good for this. Leak plugged! A good resteal range is 9%: 55+, KQs, AJo+, ATs+.
*Vs. 20% EP/MP 'medium' I can jam 14%: 33+ ATo+, A7s+, QJs, KTs and KQo. However, once OR range widens, rejam range widens, and call it off range widens too and now the OR can call it off with most AXs and suited brodways. Given real life tendencies, I think optimum rejam range in this situation is about 13% 44+, ATo+, A8s+, KJs+, KQo.
*Vs. 24% MP/HJ rejam 16.5% 33+ A9o+, A4s+, QJs+.
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