Phil Galfond's 6 Max WSOP AK v QT Hand
Posted by AdamHendrix
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High Stakes
Phil Galfond's 6 Max WSOP AK v QT Hand
Hey, for everyone that hasn't seen the hand, here it is:
Looking for feedback from Phil himself, but if anyone else can understand what is going on here. Let me know!
Would like to know your thought proces and reads on Chidwick!
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What were stacks btw?
AK is often best after stevie checks twice. There's some value in protection, occasionally Phil will get called by worse A-his. Stevie can't be c/r-ing too often b/c only a small % of his check twice range wants to c/r for value (and those value hands will sometimes lead turn) and a bunch of stevie's pf range whiffed this board. So either Phil will infrequently face a turn c/r, or stevie is going to be unbalanced and AK is as good as any bluffcatcher in this spot. You also have to consider who will play the rivers better if phil checks back and whether stevie will play better vs a turn check or a turn bet. If Phil checks turn, I think stevie would play his range well on the river, b/c Phil's hand would look a lot like an AK/marginal showdown type hand, which is not good when he actually holds AK.
Respectfully, it looks like Chidwick felt Galfond was weak but then didn't plan the entire hand out properly. if he is gonna raise the turn he needs to follow through on the river flush card.
Two great players and i'm very thankful for their contributions on this site.
it's feel standard that stevi should have fire river after check/raising turn but for some reason i feel galfond was jamming river with nut blocker if stevi bet lol
Well played by both.
Protection bet/inducing. I kinda feel like stephen would almost Always bet turn if he had 6x since he cant expect phil to ever bet that turn.. So therefore a checkraise feels weird and really bluffy. maybe bet river big and rep flush. But i doubt he would check fd on turn either.
Chidwick made an excellent raise on the turn, but if he is planning to check river if heart falls why does he not shove/raise more on the turn to give Galfond a chance to fold?
Laban nailed in on the head.
My turn bet was overwhelmingly for value against other Ace high hands, and somewhat for protection.
I expected Stephen to expect me to check back the turn the majority of the time, and therefore didn't expect he'd have any check-raises in his range. Further, I didn't think he'd x/r with a hand like one pair for value, so his hands that even had the potential to x/r in the first place were limited from a combinatorics perspective.
The river was a really ugly one for me, and I was completely unsure of how I was gonna handle any river action. Thankfully Stephen was nice about it :)
Lesson: Don' t bluff a station ;D
Stations don't get bluffed. Next stop? Valuetown!
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