Opening BU as FT shortstack 3-Handed
Posted by Risva10
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Low Stakes
Opening BU as FT shortstack 3-Handed
Blinds: t35,000/t70,000 (3 Players)
SB: 2,732,136
BB: 5,385,764
BN: 1,782,100 (Hero)
BB: 5,385,764
BN: 1,782,100 (Hero)
Hero is BN with
, ,
Final Pot
SB wins 166,250
So what would be an optimal opening range here and what would be your range vs a chipleader that 3-bets 0 or only JJ+ AK like this guy and an ok SB.
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That`s a scneario where you should be limping a lot, roughly something like this:
Limp range (mix):
raising range (polar):
I have been trying to avoid constructing a limping range, guess it's time now...
Would you just be opening vs a hyper-passive chipleader, or does limping still make more money? If I decide to open my whole range vs him are you opening hands like Q9o, K7o, Q4s, J6s
Having a mixed strategy will probably make more money unless blinds are folding way too much and not 3betting at all.
If BB never 3bets I would tend to raise all my range here. Slightly tighter than my normal 20bb CO raising ragne. So basically, the intersetcion of Pedros ranges...
Yeah that's how I approached the situation, but I wasn't sure if I should be opening Q9o, K8o, J6s etc.
Pedro Madeira Yo Pedro,
Why would you advocate to have a wide limping range in this spot on the button?
Is something I hae incorporated too lately in my game am just not sure when to execute it.
Is it because on this particular situation we are 3rd in chips and we have a passive cl in the BB? Would it change if we were 3 handed on a FT and we were on the btn but we were the CL?
limping comes in ICM situations therefore also in PKO tournaments. Its a wide and hard subject.
But on FTs you mostly limp as this way you can have a more balanced strategy with wider ranges, being able to see more flops therefore rely less on variance.
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