Open limping in ep

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Open limping in ep

It seems like people are starting to open limp in EP a lot more than usual these days. I'm intrigued by the idea but so far I haven't really heard any good reasons for why it is a better strategy than raising. Everyone I talk to about it just sorta goes, "I think it plays better as a limp" but never really have anything to say beyond that. This seems like a thing that some really good players have figured out, but for the most part it seems to me that people using this strategy don't understand the concept and are just doing it because it's the cool thing to do.

So if anyone could actually explain when and why this is a better strategy than raising/folding I'd be very interested to learn. Is this just an exploitable strategy that people are using vs certain lineups, or is there a somewhat balanced/GTO range that is good here? What kind of hands make good EP limps compared to raises? Thanks.

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