Nitty fold UTG1 vs HJ 3bet 25BB effective?
Posted by Risva10
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Low Stakes
Nitty fold UTG1 vs HJ 3bet 25BB effective?
Blinds: t2,500/t5,000 (9 Players)
MP: 460,428 (Hero)
UTG+1: 30,546
MP+1: 26,858
MP+2: 126,249
CO: 110,821
BN: 92,640
SB: 122,937
BB: 370,022
UTG: 109,347
UTG+1: 30,546
MP+1: 26,858
MP+2: 126,249
CO: 110,821
BN: 92,640
SB: 122,937
BB: 370,022
UTG: 109,347
Hero is MP with
, , , , ,
Final Pot
MP+2 wins 33,500
For some reason the hand reads as if I was opening from MP but I really was UTG1. This guy was on the table for just 20 hands, 12/12/0.
So this spot seemed kind of tricky to me. I think its okay to assume villain's range should be really strong, something like TT+ AQo+, AQs+
with the occasional AJo or KQo as bluffs. I think there is no reason to do this with 99 or 88 so I would exclude those from his range. After checking the equities, seems like ATs vs that range has 35% and I need ONLY 27%. So was this a mistake? Even OOP I don't think we will under-realise our equity that much to make it a bad peel.
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I would have to be certain he is super nitty to fold here.
Otherwise, I would be defending the suited aces here. We have some playability postflop, can x/c draws etc...
You can also call with AA to balanc, That said, I think especially on lower stakes and with that stack size, villains tends to have very strong range, so I would be most probably shoving my AA to get max value...
I do not mind folding vs very tight opponents, specially in low stakes where players won't 3bet enough with shallow stacks.
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