new to MTT
Posted by bronxsystem
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Low Stakes
new to MTT
I've played poker for while but I'm new to MTT. Where do I start? How do I learn about ICM and push/fold charts? should I read a Harrington on holdem book?
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Harrington is a good start.
thanks I will get it out.
Let me know how it goes. I am going to go over it myself, but people say it's a bit outdated. I think it's very good fundamentals but the game nowadays has changed a lot (especially online).
I'd recommend reading Kill Everyone and a script by Gripsed poker on MTT approach. Link below, its in PDF and gives a basic but good approach to MTT strategy.
KE is very good, but not good for someone just starting IMO.
I think Harrington is out of date.. I would recommended Jonathan Little books.
There are some solid foundations in there however. Additionally, it's a good way to understand how Harrington followers play when you're confronted with them.
watch the game from a reg, and try to imitate the maximum his game while playing and see what works and does not.
and discuss hands on forums.
And take notes too. I think that's one of the best ways to keep up-to-date.
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