Need advice. Learning material

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Need advice. Learning material


My goal is to learn  MTT play in the correct way, had ok results till now, but cant do nothing special at higher limits (like a 50 or 100 dollar tourney online), mostly need to improve MTT specific things as ICM, calling shoves late...I really want to do this in a efficient way to learn fast and not have to relearn etc...
What is in your opinion a good learnig path and what are the most crucial skills in tournament poker?

So, what books do you suggest, particular video series, particular coach, programs for training?

Can you do good online with playig couple tables at once and really focusing on them and the game dynamics in contrast to lets say playing 8-10 tables of cash games and kinda playing standardish (at least preflop).

I have played a bit in last couple monts but not enough for a real sample size, so I cant really decide to good on what approach to take a) play a lot of tables at once and hopefully go deep in something and then kinda stop reging if youre doing well b) play higher buyins but less tables c) play less tables and play LAG/maniac, try to run over players, this is hard so you cant play a lot of tables at once....

Thanks for input, hoping for a nice discussion.


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