My First Post WSOPc Main Event Atlantic City 43 plyrs remain.
Posted by Ben Grise
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Ben Grise
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High Stakes
My First Post WSOPc Main Event Atlantic City 43 plyrs remain.
I'm sure my image is young internet pre black Friday pro because I look 18, but I'm actually 29.
A utg+2 young aggro who finished 3rd opens to 16k at 4k-8k 1k ante and another thinking lag I have history with calls next to act. The kid who calls behind has seen me 3b really wide in the past and opening a ton prior to this hand. I have KJhh on c/o and think about 3 betting, but feel like this is a great hand to play in position post flop. I am extremely comfortable playing post-flop as the majority of my play is in live and online cash. The btn and blinds fold.
Flop comes QcJc9h. The original raiser checks next guy leads 22k. I call and original raiser folds. I considered raising flop, but was worried he might have a big combo draw himself and call. I wanted to see what the turn brought as well. Turn is 4h giving me 4 to the flush middle pair and inside straight draw. I know this 4h looks harmless to him and he now leads again for around 45k so now the pot is around 160k total and I have about 245k behind.
I don't feel like he has a set as my prior play with him I believed he would be 3 betting QQ JJ or 99 pre as he was really aggressive. I feel like he's capable of folding a one pair and maybe even two pair type hand. With the line I took, I feel like I can represent a set of nines myself, or even a flopped straight. Not to mention he could have a draw himself. Even if he does somehow have a monster, which based on my read from playing with the guy the past two days I think is highly unlikely. And again I still feel like I have a lot of outs and know he's good enough to fold AQ KQ Q9 J9 or a draw with one card to come. I opt to try and take the pot down on the turn by raising it up to 145k. Which I feel looks super strong as it is a raise that he knows commits myself leaving me 100k behind, but is laying him great odds. He tanks and then finally decides to jam all in. At that point I have around 100k behind and have no choice but to call with the pot how big it is. To my surprise he turns over a set of nines and I brick the river.
The payouts are so top heavy that I feel like I made the right play by trying to chip up and win a big pot there. If I win that pot I'm sitting in the top three in chips and in position to go even deeper with around 640k in chips which would of been double the avg stack. Ignore the results, my main question is would calling his turn bet be better than jamming? I felt like if I hit my straight or flush I wouldn't have gotten paid on river and take the semi-bluff rout, but am left wondering if I should of valued my remaining stack more than I did rather than shoving?
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