MTT100€ 30K Gtd, right at the bubble
Posted by MrSneeze
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High Stakes
MTT100€ 30K Gtd, right at the bubble
SB: jungle_boy: 13443
BB: IcallUtilt: 32646
UTG: FlipFlopLV99: 48470
UTG1: ParaOne99: 38520
LJ: TEX5464: 124186
HJ: fanomalo62: 23108
CO: XehaIsHere: 34954
BN: Fr3nchMonst3r: 41504
BB: IcallUtilt: 32646
UTG: FlipFlopLV99: 48470
UTG1: ParaOne99: 38520
LJ: TEX5464: 124186
HJ: fanomalo62: 23108
CO: XehaIsHere: 34954
BN: Fr3nchMonst3r: 41504
We are right at the bubble, 40 paid, 41 remaining. First cash is 165€, first place is 6K. The smallest stack has around 10K, the second smallest has 12 or 13K. I'm 31/41
(8 Players)
IcallUtilt was dealt
FlipFlopLV99 folds, ParaOne99 folds, TEX5464 calls 2400, fanomalo62 folds, XehaIsHere folds, Fr3nchMonst3r folds, jungle_boy calls 1200, IcallUtilt checks
FlipFlopLV99 folds, ParaOne99 folds, TEX5464 calls 2400, fanomalo62 folds, XehaIsHere folds, Fr3nchMonst3r folds, jungle_boy calls 1200, IcallUtilt checks
Vilain has been limping everytime he wanted to VPIP, playing 19/6 over 100+ hands.
(3 Players)
jungle_boy checks,
IcallUtilt checks,
TEX5464 bets 9120,
jungle_boy folds,
IcallUtilt folds
With antes, pot is 9120 (so vilain bets pot). I've seen him doing that before heads up vs me : he limped, I checked from BB, flop KhJh2c (or something like that), I check, he pots.
Being right at the bubble, I chose to fold, but the situation is pretty interesting. Jungle_boy is a reg and one of the shortest stack. I wonder if leading flop has merits ; I have no idea if TEX will put pressure by floating / raising or if he'll just be honest. I wonder if we should stack off after he pot bet, knowing that we probably don't have FE, and we don't have reads on his limping strategy.
Being right at the bubble, I chose to fold, but the situation is pretty interesting. Jungle_boy is a reg and one of the shortest stack. I wonder if leading flop has merits ; I have no idea if TEX will put pressure by floating / raising or if he'll just be honest. I wonder if we should stack off after he pot bet, knowing that we probably don't have FE, and we don't have reads on his limping strategy.
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