MTT game plan for draws - Complex question!

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MTT game plan for draws - Complex question!


I have been playing now for almost 10 years and nowadays I play mostly live MTTs since I think the value there is the best and online is getting tougher and tougher every day.

For this year I would like to change the way I play my flush- and straight-draws since I believe that is one of my leaks in live tournament poker. I am used to play draws quite aggressive and possibly even get my stack in if I flop a nut-flush draw and 1-2 over cards. But the more I play MTTs I see that very few players, even good ones, play draws that hard. So with this discussion I would like your input on how to play these hands with parameters such as number of BBs, number of BBs compared to villains, number of players in the pot, position, if there is a squeeze opportunity, if we the pot is heads up or not, if we have the villain(s) covered or not and the stage in the tournament (Our M-value compared to the average M for example) and also other parameters if I missed any.

So, how do you play these and how do you think in different scenarios, and why?

Lets make a real good thread of this one since I am SURE we all face this very regulary.


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