MTT 500€ qualifer EPT Deauville
Posted by MrSneeze
Posted by MrSneeze posted in High Stakes
MTT 500€ qualifer EPT Deauville
Hey guys
Here's one hand I've been involved in: How to play AQ in vilain's shoes!
My screen-name is Joelapioche ; I've been pretty tough / aggro, but my image is rather good. Jacob126b38 is another french pro, friend of mine, very good player, very unorthodox and tricky (does a lot of limping and strange moves, but he's a smart motherfucker).
Valantan is, I assume, a reg ; he comes from Bucharest, Romania. He's played quite aggro pre, in a style that seems typical of good online MTT regs, on the loose side.
I haven't put my hand, only Valantan's hand. Discuss his play. 62bb eff stacks.
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