Middle pair facing flop check/raise
Posted by Tdogger88
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Low Stakes
Middle pair facing flop check/raise
Blinds: t50/t100 (9 Players)
BN: 6,094 (Hero)
SB: 3,708
BB: 4,343
UTG: 4,960
UTG+1: 6,630
MP: 3,972
MP+1: 10,170
MP+2: 3,351
CO: 22,591
SB: 3,708
BB: 4,343
UTG: 4,960
UTG+1: 6,630
MP: 3,972
MP+1: 10,170
MP+2: 3,351
CO: 22,591
Hero is BN with
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I think a bet is okay here. Not sure if it's amazing but because this board is so disconnected, he can call with a 6 or a 3, 55, 44, AT, KQ, KJ type hands will usually peel, etc. ...
When he check/raises me I wonder if we're in a shove/fold spot. I can't imagine he's going to bet smaller than a shove on turn if I call, but there are just a ton of hands he can do this with that are weaker than 77. I elect to call, planning to call most turn shoves.
When he check/raises me I wonder if we're in a shove/fold spot. I can't imagine he's going to bet smaller than a shove on turn if I call, but there are just a ton of hands he can do this with that are weaker than 77. I elect to call, planning to call most turn shoves.
And here we are. Was the flop call a mistake? Was it fine and we just carry out our plan and call the shove? I mean if he raises flop with KJ, 87 or something, I can't imagine him not shoving here. But if I shove flop then I take away his ability to bluff here, so I don't think I want to do that.
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I think you can keep yourself out of spots like this by c-betting polarized. This way you can always either comfortably fold or call if being checkraised. By c-betting with medium strength showdownvalue you open yourself up for getting pushed of your hand. That's just one strategy you can play, but in this spot it would have been the right one imo.
When you already are in this spot on the turn, I'd obviously follow through with your plan of calling a shove, as it can very well be a bluff on a board like this, but primarily because otherwise you'd just be burning money by calling the flop, just to fold on the turn. I would'nt shove or fold on the flop tho, as villain then would just fold bluffs like backdoor club draws and just call with sets, top pairs etc.
I think flop is either check back or bet 1/3pot and fold to raise. As played, 6 on the turn is probably the best card for you to call but still seems very thin to me.
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