Made the Final Table of WSOP Six-Max
Posted by John Beauprez
Posted by
John Beauprez
posted in
High Stakes
Made the Final Table of WSOP Six-Max
Hey Guys -
Not so much a strategy post as much as it is a thank you to the posters and coaches here on this site. I just got home from the Rio, and am proud to say I made my first WSOP final table tonight. It's the 1500NL Six-Max, and I'm in 3rd of the remaining 7 players. The final table begins in 10 hours, and I'm having trouble sleeping from all the adrenaline I'm feeling.
Tomorrow I'm going to focus primarily on making the best decision possible with the information I have available.. But regardless of the outcome, I know there's no chance I would've been able to make it this far if it weren't for the instructors on this site. I've been watching a lot of the vids lately by Rampone and Koon, and listening to them dissect hands has definitely been helpful. Hopefully I have the chance to return the favor some day (but not in the punting stacks type of way.. more like in the buy them a beer type way).
Anyhow, thanks again for the content on this site, and for constantly posting threads and responses for me to lurk on and improve by.
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gl man, own those dudes and get that bracelet :)
bracelet, get it :) vn gl
Congrats and good luck :)
that's a sick final table and an epic heads up. many congratulations man, you played rly well 8^)
Much respect ! GJ bro :d
Great work, John!
good luck man
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