Looking to do a leakfinder

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Looking to do a leakfinder

Hey guys,

While I don't think they should be my main source of video content I do like to do the odd member leakfinder and it's been a while since I've done my last member leakfinder.

If you'd like to submit one for review please post in this thread (don't pm me). I'll reach out to 2-3 of the most interesting ones via pm and get them to send me the HH and then determine which one to turn into a video from there. I'd like to see some sort of deep run (you don't have to win or even top 3 etc but something with a bit of longetivity and some FT ICM is appreciated). Please keep them relatively recent. I'll accept anything that was played since the beginning of last WCOOP.

If you're interested please format the post as such:

Tourney stakes:
Tourney name/description: (Can be something like "The sunday million" Or "Weekly big 109" or w/e.
Site it was played on: (Please only party/stars)
Some sort of reference to payouts: (Typed, screenshot from client or P5s summary etc).

A brief one to two lines describing tourney if necessary.

An example of a good post is as such:

2100 Sunday million SE from WCOOP sunday in September on stars. screenshot of payouts. Finished 4th/1031.


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impregnatio 5 years, 11 months ago

Great opportunity, I'd be all over this if I could play online. Can't believe its taking so long to sort out how to tax online poker. Seven years already...

Look forward to watching this vid when it comes out.

For what its worth I'd like to see a review of something like the sunday mil or another major or a sunday tourney of some sort - something that has a good mix of regs and recs as opposed to mid week $109's or other tourneys that are reg heavy.

hariadam 5 years, 11 months ago

Hey, really liked the last leakfinder you did. I'd like to submit a deep run that i had this week.

$109 Classico 30k on Party 4/232
Payouts: 6k, 4.3k 3k, 2.2k, 1.6k, 1.2k, 800, 600
Total hans: 338, VPIPd: 106
Good structure, deep stacked FT, reggy tournament, not a huge prizepool or anything, but it is one of those mtts that i imagine most of the elite subs here that are mtt regs, play day in day out, so perhaps it would be a nice one to look at.

I also have some other deep runs with 3handed/hu action but all those are PKOs from party so can't see the bounties, not sure if you would be interested in those.

Thanks for doing this!

MjeuMjeu 5 years, 11 months ago

I've got a pretty nice deeprun in the Big $22 on Stars. It's 359 hands. Finished 5th/418.
Payouts for the ft:
1st: $1412
2nd: $833
3rd: $595
4th: $457
5th: $363
6th: $294
7th: $241
8th: $198
9th: $163
Pretty good structure and pretty deep the entire tourney. It was pretty reggy for the most part.
I also got a 2nd/326 in a $22 $5k gtd freezeout on Stars. It was a very reggy tourney, based on my limited research on every player. The payouts for the ft was:
1st: $1125
2nd: $729
3rd: $547
4th: $431
5th: $348
6th: $284
7th: $232
8th: $189
9th: $152
I think both of these runs are pretty interesting to take a look at, with a lot of regs and deep stacks.

KidBunz 5 years, 9 months ago

Hey Chris,

Hope your well, Love your content and always watch the vids so keep up the good work.

I've noticed you have recently been doing some leak finders and if you aren't still happy to do another and want a really interesting one, I have just been fortunate enough to Win a SCOOP and it was the Sunday million edition.

Some really interesting spots late on and a few erratic plays to get the win which I would love to hear your thought process on.

Let me know if this is something you would like to review would make a great multi part vid and I have the HH that I can ship over to you.



Apoth 5 years, 9 months ago


First off thanks for the kind words. Secondly, congrats on a huge score.

This definitely sounds like something I have an interest in reviewing and I think something a lot of members would find interesting to watch.

I'll have to release some non leakfinder content in between (Which I've already got done) and I'm away for WSOP for the next 6 weeks or so but I'd love to look at this once I'm back.

I'll dm you and we can organize something later in the summer.

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