Live: Multiple Flights/Day 1's- Which to choose?

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Live: Multiple Flights/Day 1's- Which to choose?

Planning on playing a WSOP circuit main soon and there are two starting flights. Tourney starts on a Saturday with an 11am flight, and a later 5pm flight. Both to be combined for Day 2.

I was trying to think of reasons why a certain flight might be better to play. There are a few things to consider of course. For example:

-Which time is better physically for my energy levels? Considering sleep/eat schedules and what you know about your body. On this I feel the earlier flight is better for me.

-And also of importance I feel is which flight do you think will potentially be softer? This question is what spawned this post actually. My general feeling is that the earlier flight will be softer. Just for the fact that most pros and tourney scene regs like sleeping late, and stay up late. I feel that the casual-touristy player will be more likely to come out and play in the day. I'd assume some of the older players would prefer the earlier flight as well.

Not many reasons I can think of to prefer the later flight. Except to level some of the people thinking like me! JK. But the later flight could potentially draw touristy players as well, AND more players drinking. Which is always enticing to me. I feel the later flight could draw in the random gambler/degens who don't even play much poker but know this is a big tourney (dead money).

Sorry-long winded. Any thoughts/input on this subject? Thanks.

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