Live MTT hand (€1k Irish Open ME) – How would you play the river?

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Live MTT hand (€1k Irish Open ME) – How would you play the river?

Hi, first HH I am posting here... let's go. :)

I played the Irish Open Main Event two weeks ago, so this is a live poker hand.

Blinds are 150/300/(25), I have about 27BB.

It folds to me in MP with Ac4c, I open to 800.

HJ directly to my left calls. He is a middle-aged Italian that had been fairly tight. And I had spotted a tell previously: A textbook tell, really - when the flush hit he very quickly looked away from the board, and indeed, he did have the flush.

BB calls, too (Dermot Blain), He defended a lot)

Flop Ad4dJc

I bet 1,200 in a pot of about 2600

HJ calls (he has about the same stack as me), BB folds

Turn 3c

I bet 3100 in a pot of about 5000

HJ calls

I look at him as I assume he is drawing for a diamond, hoping to pick up the same tell as earlier, but he shields the board from his own eyes and turns towards me. So I have no way of seeing his reaction.

River Kh

I decide to check/call the river, but he checks behind, sees my hand, mucks and says "Bad turn".

What do you think he had? Could I have gotten more value?


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felipejay 6 years, 11 months ago

Hello mate,

I think check/call is fine if he's the type of player that will bluff with his busted draws or other hands that got no showdown value, but i dont think he would do that considering the infos you got.

Maybe we could get value if he's intended to call 3 barrel with worse Ax or if he hits second pair, AJ/JJ/44 i think he would raise flop or turn and AK i think he would 3bet pre so i like to shove river hoping to get call from those hands, we're only losing to QT and traps.

By saying "bad turn" i think he had something like 65dd 54cc KQcc JTcc QJcc that got equity turn and made him call another bet.

Daniel Dvoress 6 years, 11 months ago

I would heavily prefer to shove the river myself - I would be pretty shocked to see a bluff from a hand like Jxdd or Kxcc since people are just too likely to take showdown with these hands.

Your hand should be good very very often here - AK is likely to raise preflop, 44 or AJ is likely to raise flop or shove turn. I would just shove and hope for a hero call from something like AQ or AT, or a weird/ambitious KJ.

Had this been against a loose opponent I would like checking more since a loose opponent would have more 75dd type of hands that have to bluff river.

DavinaDarr 6 years, 11 months ago

Wow.. my first hand history here gets reviewed by THE Daniel Dvoress. :) Thanks.
So far everyone pointed out I should have bet... so, yes. Thank you for confirming. :D

tbettingen 6 years, 11 months ago

Agreeing with the points Daniel has made I'm also in favor of shoving the river.
Starting the hand with ~8,100 in chips and based on your bets on each street we have ~3k into a pot of ~11.2k on the river, making it less likely that villain thinks bluffs will be successful, decreasing his bluffing frequency (especially based on your read that he was on the tighter side) but, conversely, making it more likely that villain will feel priced in with a lot of his weaker hands.

R00pert56 6 years, 9 months ago

I probably would ship turn tbh, you’ve got a little over a pot sized bet and are going to get called by a lot of worst hands that wont be able to call a 3rd street of betting unless he’s nutted. You’re wanting to get it in anyways I think the turn is the time to do it. Otherwise you’re leaving yourself with only 10bb for the river and if a d comes you’re gonna reluctantly check/call river

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