Live MTT Advice, Bullet points.
Posted by Damian Copeland
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Damian Copeland
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High Stakes
Live MTT Advice, Bullet points.
open sizing?
Im not new to MTTs, just want to double check some things.
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As far as your sizing, I play my normal game. I 2.5 x early and get smaller as stacks get smaller relative to the blinds. I cbet about 80% of the time, 3 bet in good spots, and occasionally 4 bet. People almost always think a 4 bet live is the nuts, so unless you have a dynamic with someone, if they play back at you when you 4 bet be ready to give it up.
On bluffing, I think your image matters for it to work against the average player. If you are young wearing a hoodie and beats, you will get called light by the average middle aged player. I'm on the opposite end, I'm 41 (look more like my 30s) and clean cut. I shave before live tourneys and wear decent clothes. I've found that my semi bluffs and occasional 4 bets get a ton of respect, because everyone think a middle aged dude has to have it when he bets. Play is so slow live, and with no huds, people think if you play 20% of hands you're tight as hell.
Early on, bet sizing from opponents is a huge tell. Guys limp every other hands, and then all of a sudden 6x. A lot of them are so obvious with their bet sizing.
I hope that was kind of what you were looking for, I have some live tourneys coming up the next few weeks, and am looking forward to them. I did pretty good playing live last year, and want to do more of it this year.
Any video suggestions for live MTT's 400-1500 or cash 2/5, 5/10?
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