LIVE MTT 2500 buy in PUSH or FOLD!
Posted by BritneySpears
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High Stakes
LIVE MTT 2500 buy in PUSH or FOLD!
Hi everyone,
Would you take the spot to shove or wait for a better one?
Blinds 1000 / 2000 Ante 300
We have 25k stack on SB.
not much reads on ppl, just moved to this table 2 rounds earlier.
fold to MP ( 5 players behind) 110.000 stack open 3x. (6k). BTN ( 80k stack) calls 6k.
Pot is 18k.
now on SB. shove 25k or wait for a better spot?
Thank you!
edit; We have the sweetie K9s !
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lol I forgot to tell the hand. K9s
Fold. We don't have much fold equity with 2 players especially given that he raised 3x. This is not our spot with 11bbs. I'll gladly ship this hand in if folded to in LP (maybe even MP since we are getting desperate). Here against two players this is a fold all day.
Also- In a tourney at this buy-in level, at this stage of the tourney, the good players notice stack sizes. A good player isn't gonna just raise-fold 3x here when there are shorties (you) behind. He/she will notice the shorties behind and adjust their opening ranges accordingly.
I agree with the people above, but I think we can see a flop from the big blind
what do you mean?
so i try to live by the 1/n rule in these spots. I estimate my shoving ranges w a 10 bb stack from each position at a frequency of 1/n where n is the number of players left to act. As your stacksize increases your shoving freq decreases.
So its not as easy as this (cause people can shove or just open), but if you can estimate their freq then you can also est a def freq.
in the hypothetical where a 10 bb stack shoves w 4 left to act, i often est his shoving range to be the top 25% of hands. So if I'm in the co and trying to decide what freq I defend I try to generalize w a 40% rule (I can get it in w 40% of the range I est for the shover cause there are players left to act who can wake up w a hand, so I can't just stick in the same range as him and expect to make money).
But if it folded to you in the bb in this hypothetical then you could call nearly what he's shoving and expect to make chips given the sb+antes in the pot and the fact that nobody behind can wake up w a hand.
These aren't just made up frequencies. I got the 1/n idea a long time ago on 2+2 from mtt poster masque who seems to know wtf he's talking about.
And the 40% defense idea after watching some mtt videos on this site that go over these spots with icmizer or whatever tool to estimate gii ranges.
These are just guidelines that I find help me analyze spots quickly in game and I can adjust from there given what I think about the opponent and the dynamic at the table given stack sizes and where we are in the tournament.
I think the cold caller in this spot means we should get it in tighter rather than lighter.
For your hand specifically I wouldn't be getting it in lighter than ~7% of hands- so like 88+, AJo+ and ATs+.
I'm def not a tourney expert, but I think restealing too light is a rampant mistake in MTTs unless you're doing it as an exploit.
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