Live Borgata Poker Open $560 Opening Event

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Live Borgata Poker Open $560 Opening Event

Hero is on button with Ac4d (37,000). My image is tight at this point. Ive shown down 3 hands to this point, including AA. Also face up folded AQ pre once. Leading up to this hand I was card dead and had folded out about 2 full orbits so image was especially tight.

Villain is SB (36,500), seems like a halfway decent player, rocking beats headphones, has been fairly aggressive early on. 

Starting stacks of 20K, blinds 200/400/50

Folds to hero, who makes it 1,200 to go. Small blind calls 1,000 more, BB calls for 800 more. BB is a loose passive player I really was not concerned about.

Flop 2c3h3s

Good flop. Check, check, hero makes it 2,100

Villain thinks and calls. BB Folds.

Turn is 8d

Villain checks, hero makes it 5,200. Villain tanks 30 seconds and calls. 

At this point, I think range is all pairs 22,44-99, Ax etc, I dont see many 3's in there besides A3, but im blocking A.

River comes Jd, which I think is a pretty good card for me.

Villain checks, I make it 7,000. Villain tanks for 1 minute and makes it 15,000. Hero Jams. 

My thought was that I was straight up repping a nutted hand. I think i get all 1 pairs to fold, all Ax, some 3's. Was this too brash? Looking back I'm thinking he was probably too pot committed to fold. Probably would have worked much better 10-15bbs deeper...


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So_Nitty 10 years, 6 months ago

Villain check calls decent size bets preflop, flop and turn - I think I would check fold river and certainly when he check raises me and I have A high I would give up even against a LAG

Rapha Nogueira 10 years, 6 months ago

Your equity in terms of range distribution is pretty high on the top but in the mid and low you guys are nearly the same. 

Since you opened btn you are more likely to be on the mid part of it (not on like probability distribution inside the range but how wide you are opening and how likely you are to have AA -nuts- on 332), given that, three barreling this board is a bit optimistic and your river sizing didn't convince me much, why did you make 7k otr and 5,2 ott ? What hands the x/r-fold otr ? 

I would never fold 3x with the odds I am gaining here.

MrSneeze 10 years, 6 months ago

If it works river, that's because you had the best hand.

'My thought was that I was straight up repping a nutted
hand. I think i get all 1 pairs to fold, all Ax, some 3's. Was this too
brash? Looking back I'm thinking he was probably too pot committed to
fold. Probably would have worked much better 10-15bbs deeper...'

What one-pair hand would he check-raise river after check-calling 2 streets?

Overall vilain should just be X/calling or X/folding this river a lot. When he check-raises river in a spot where you can easily have all the overpairs and also rivered TPs, what do u expect him to have? Shoving here is a spazz, you would need very very strong reads for it to work.

JerseyGrinder23 10 years, 6 months ago

Think it is hard to bluff in this spot.  The villian is really pot committed, and will call with a wide range of hands.  If the stacks were deeper I really like this move.  Also people are highly aware of button steals, so he won't believe you to have a strong hand.

IMO... Great Play if the stacks are deeper.  Villian is too pot commited in the end.

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