Live 200e tourney hand

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Live 200e tourney hand

So, I played this tourney today, and had an intresting hand. Action about 100bb deep.
Blinds 100/200, no ante yet. CO pretty bad oldschool reg (seemed like it:D), and Sb not sure, seemed pretty good. So, CO open, 2.1x~, SB flats, I'm on a BB with 72dd, I defend (I think it should be slightly winning or breakeaven imo, I feel like I have an edge post). Flop comes down KJ9ddc. Co cbet for about half pot, SB calls, I call. (Btw, co seemed like cbet heavy). Turn is 9c(second flush draw opens), Sb checks, I tanked for a while and diceded to lead for 1/3 pot, CO folds, SB calls. River comes a 10c (completes backdoor FD and ton of straights), SB checks and I Bet about 75% pot. Opinions on the line I chose, lead turn sizings and etc..?

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