Live $1650, $500K guarantee: Already in the money. Flat or shove from BB over an open from hijack?

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Live $1650, $500K guarantee: Already in the money. Flat or shove from BB over an open from hijack?

Three hands into a new table and haven't played yet with villain. He has 20-30bb, I have 7bb.


Open from hijack to 50k,

Folds to me in BB. Look down at K10off.

What is the correct play? Do I flat or shove?

Thanks for any and all thoughts!


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ralphykid67 7 years, 7 months ago

Flatting is 100% not an option IMO.

With 7bbs, and being in the money I don't see any other option. A good player who's paying attention won;t be raising light in this spot so it kinda sux. But realistically are we going to fold, probably fold the sb, and then we'll be on the button with what like 4bbs? No thanks. We have zero fold equity at that point. This is likely the best spot for us to go ahead and try and double. We have 7bbs we need to get lucky somehow. Why not in a heads up pot with broadway cards, including K high ? I'm in there.

82off 7 years, 7 months ago

Thanks for the response. Yeah it's suicide to flat and then fold when you miss the flop.. gotta see the equity to the river. There are several 77-99, and even AQ, AJ that we aren't in a terrible spot against.

Folding is out of the question too. K10 is about 35% against a 12% opening range, which is much tighter than Hijack should be opening..

Anyways, it just always feels like there might be a reason to do something different on our bust out hands. Obviously villain had AA

DatpKay 7 years, 7 months ago

How did he play before?
What are the stacksizes of BU and SB?

A good question to ask yourself is "would I have called a shove?"
If yes then your line prob doesnt matter unless you don't fold
If you decide to "reshove" which really is just a call all in since he won't fold ever then calling and going all in on the flop yourself might net you +whatever little % of FE (lets say he has 55, flop comes AJ9, I mean, who knows)

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