Last 4 tables 3.30 2.5k gtd.

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Last 4 tables 3.30 2.5k gtd.

Last 4 tables, 30 players left avg. stack 110k blinds 2000/4000 my stack: 18bb

So the big stack opens, I did not have a large enough sample on the hud but his vpip was about 22% or so. he was the most active player at the table, and this happens:

My thoughts:
I decided to call the minraise, protecting my BB. I check/call the flop thinking he might have an ace with higher kicker. then the 9 comes and I make 2 pair, and decided to put in a small bet, making my hand look weak and hoping for an AJ-AK to reraise. He just called. I'm still thinking about aj-ak (/maby qq / kk / jj). Now im betting 95% of my remaining stack, to make it look like a bluff still hopinh he calls me off with Aj-Ak.

Could i do anything better? check turn/river maby? but what if he does bet out after my check, can i lay down after the turn?

Just wondering what you guys think :)


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tenor75013 9 years, 5 months ago

As played is fine....even If I think you dont need to lead weak if you think he has Ax. I would X/R turn dunno..
But if he is the most active player at the table raising 1st in from CO 7handed why not shoving pre?
I mean with this stack size I see that as the perfect resteal spot..dunno what you guys thinks??

ra_raa11 9 years, 5 months ago

I agree with tenor that you played the hand fine, also shoving pre isn't a bad idea, you will have some decent fold equity against his opening range, he would have to call half his stack off, depends how on your table image too. Either way I think most people would have gone broke too in this spot.

chigh1 9 years, 5 months ago

I think your tun lead is an interesting decision. I love thinking about spots to lead turn, but on this turn I actually think your lead looks very strong because of previous action and the board texture. I would check call turn and river.

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