LAPC Playboy $1100, Day1a Spot : Hand History 3
Posted by Nipun Java
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Nipun Java
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High Stakes
LAPC Playboy $1100, Day1a Spot : Hand History 3
Later in same tourney, BB1000 lvl, Hero opens AKs from HJ, tight live pro 3 bets from Btn. BB cold 4's. Hero is 27bb, they cover. Betting went 2bb, 5bb, 10.5bb. BB guy capable Asian, but he is aware how tight Btn has been, also aware that Hero could be full of shit though. What do you do?
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If the button is that tight, and depending on live tells you might be able to find a fold here. But if he is a pro he should have a button 3 betting range. I'd also like to know more about the BB's aggression factor.
If button is a pro, and BB is very aggro, I will probably jam here. Against certain tight combos of these players I would like to fold.
You say BTN is a tight live pro. While he could be generally tight he would still pick up on your looseness and could potentially 3bet a wide range here and use his tight image in this spot since he knows you probably either shove/fold and this is a profitable spot for him, also given that his tightness makes it less likely for blinds to squeeze.
BB asian could also pick up on this, but definitely looks strong from his perspective. But with 27BBs I think AKs being a double nut blocker is too strong to ever fold here.
lol I prolly rip it and bust the tourny quite a bit
If you think the BB thinks you could be full of it, so does most of the rest of the table so its an easy ship for you imo with 27BBs.
27 bigs and the suited version of AK I am in.
Sigh and jam. Bust the tourney quite a bit, and end up with a 60bb+ stack quite a bit.
Don't be surprised if Asian guy shows AQs or something.
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