LAPC Playboy $1100, Day1a Spot : Hand History 1
Posted by Nipun Java
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Nipun Java
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High Stakes
LAPC Playboy $1100, Day1a Spot : Hand History 1
Interesting spot in the Playboy $1100, Day1c, I have 27k to start hand. Blinds 100/400/800, open TJo in HJ to 1800. (BB is this huge stack with 120k who. Seems like a good read based player but with poor math fundamentals, bluffed earlier on river and showed it, also picked up a bluff in a very non standard spot with a weak hand. Plays a wide range of hands.) BB defends. flop 962r, he check calls 2200 into 4900, turn Q (still rainbow) he check calls 5500 into 9300, river T, he open piles. Pot on river is 20,300 i have 17,500 left. Board runout 962QT. What do you do?
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Feels like a fold. I don't really think this is the type of player who turns pairs into bluffs and he probably never has a non pair+ hand here. He is basically repping 78 and sets but I don't think I can find enough bluffs to call.
I agree he's not gonna be bluffing enough here to make this a call. You still have over 20bbs to work with which is plenty at this early level.
I agree this is a fold. I would make flop and turn a bit smaller though. Flop is a real dry texture where I believe we should make it around 30-40% with all our range. I think its better since you lose much less when he c/r turn or does this river move for example.
Agree on the sizing comment. Would you fold KK in this spot as well? Since they are hand equivalent.
Easy fold otr
Probably mixing checking and betting this board. You have no fold equity but good backdoors. River I am folding.
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