KQo utg opening vs min 3 bet
Posted by ZeroDegrees
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Low Stakes
KQo utg opening vs min 3 bet
Blinds: t1,800/t3,600 (9 Players)
MP: 107,388
MP+1: 113,218
MP+2: 68,986
CO: 254,960
BN: 5,336
SB: 115,288
BB: 18,814
UTG: 111,272
UTG+1: 123,020 (Hero)
MP+1: 113,218
MP+2: 68,986
CO: 254,960
BN: 5,336
SB: 115,288
BB: 18,814
UTG: 111,272
UTG+1: 123,020 (Hero)
Hero is UTG+1 with
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CO has just come to the table, so no reads. Versus a 3x 3-bet I would fold and probably to a 2.5x also. Was afraid of tough spots where I was dominated. Didn't want to take risks against a bigger stack with potentially a problem hand.
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At this moment all my alarms were ringing, so I ran. After the tournament I started thinking about the hand.
Scenario 1: he had AA and got too shocked flopping a set and checked behind or he was calm and tried to let me catch up.
Scenario 2: he could do this with 98s or a high pocket pair. Here there are A, K, Q, T blockers, so that points to JJ being more probable (or 99-77).
Scenario 1: he had AA and got too shocked flopping a set and checked behind or he was calm and tried to let me catch up.
Scenario 2: he could do this with 98s or a high pocket pair. Here there are A, K, Q, T blockers, so that points to JJ being more probable (or 99-77).
Final Pot
CO wins 44,640
It seems to me that I should call the turn. It's not even sure he would bet the river, with the straight being out there (he could have that too as an unknown I think). I'm also leaning toward calling a smaller river bet unless a K comes.
Am I talking myself right into value town here? What would you do?
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