JJ Early in $1675 WSOP-C Bike Main event
Posted by Matthew Affleck
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Matthew Affleck
posted in
High Stakes
JJ Early in $1675 WSOP-C Bike Main event
Me - JJ Hijack with 17,000 chips
villan - Has me covered by a little, maybe 21,000
50/100 blinds
he opens UTG +2 300.
I 3bet 900 from Hi Jack
He 4 bets 2450
I flat
Flop Tc 7h 5h
he bets 2450
I flat
Turn 7s
He bets 65xx (I have just over 12k back)
Reads - We are in the 2nd level in the main event. 1 hand the villan opened UTG w 97o to 150 (25/50) got flatted and Ari 3 bet to 500 on button and the villan FLATTED the 3b oop with 97o. He then chk called a Q9x flop. (Ari is pretty well known good aggressive (Very) payer).
2nd hand - Ari opened mp to 150 and the villian 3 bet 350 on button w A7o. Cbet a Jxx board and check back on Q turn and called river lead with A hi.
I have been fairly active so far. 2 hands earliar button opened 300, i 3b 900 w 88 from sb he called (this is a different player). Cbet Q74cc flop. Chk chk K turn. ANd i value bet a K river.
Those are the 3 relevant hands i believe to describe the player. He is a younger player that at first glance you would assume is a good thinker. Ari knew him when he first sat down. Also good to note that this is a Re-Entry for flight 1b (this is flight 1A).
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All that being said, he sounds like an idiot and you have a pair higher than all of the cards on the board and you lose to 18 combos plus random 7x so I wouldn't fault you for calling down (plus extra bullets make everyone extra stupid!)
It sucks that the only pair he could 4 bet with that we beat pre has a boat on this board. AKhh is in his range here, I'd say, but it's just one hand.
Blah. I don't like it. The hands you reference in your OP he's playing so passively and now he's going hard on this board. I think I shrug/fold turn.
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