JJ Early in $1675 WSOP-C Bike Main event

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JJ Early in $1675 WSOP-C Bike Main event

Ill post hand vs then a couple of very relevent hands after.
Me - JJ Hijack with 17,000 chips
villan - Has me covered by a little, maybe 21,000
50/100 blinds

he opens UTG +2 300.
I 3bet 900 from Hi Jack
He 4 bets 2450
I flat

Flop Tc 7h 5h
he bets 2450
I flat
Turn 7s
He bets 65xx (I have just over 12k back)

Reads - We are in the 2nd level in the main event. 1 hand the villan opened UTG w 97o to 150 (25/50) got flatted and Ari 3 bet to 500 on button and the villan FLATTED the 3b oop with 97o. He then chk called a Q9x flop. (Ari is pretty well known good aggressive (Very) payer).
2nd hand - Ari opened mp to 150 and the villian 3 bet 350 on button w A7o. Cbet a Jxx board and check back on Q turn and called river lead with A hi.

I have been fairly active so far. 2 hands earliar button opened 300, i 3b 900 w 88 from sb he called (this is a different player). Cbet Q74cc flop. Chk chk K turn. ANd i value bet a K river.

Those are the 3 relevant hands i believe to describe the player. He is a younger player that at first glance you would assume is a good thinker. Ari knew him when he first sat down. Also good to note that this is a Re-Entry for flight 1b (this is flight 1A).


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Benjamin Wilinofsky 12 years, 2 months ago
If he's calling 97o then it's pretty unlikely he has 4-bet bluffs here that want to barrel this turn. It's a pretty bad card for him to try to get you to fold a hand on and you're at pretty much the stone bottom of your bluffcatching range, right? I'm assuming you get to turn with mostly TT+ and NFDs and flat most of your suited Tx that might be inclined to hood it up when he 4-bets flats the first time anyways.

All that being said, he sounds like an idiot and you have a pair higher than all of the cards on the board and you lose to 18 combos plus random 7x so I wouldn't fault you for calling down (plus extra bullets make everyone extra stupid!)
Matthew Affleck 12 years, 2 months ago
Funny you mentioned that Ben cause after he showed down the 97o i said to my self that i dont expect him to have much of a 4 bet bluffing range. That being said though what do you think would be the best way to proceed? Flatting pre seems like im losing a ton of value since it looks like his F3B is 0. If you do 3b folding to 4 bet? (seems bad) Folding flop? (seems bad) folding turn (seems reasonable?)? Im guessing just folding turn then? You read anything into his bet sizing on turn Ben? Seems pretty big given stack sizes?
Benjamin Wilinofsky 12 years, 2 months ago
I think pre is close between folding and calling the 4-bet (it's obviously a 3-bet), and flop is close between folding and calling. We'd need to put a lot of weight onto the 97o hand to make the tighter decisions either pre or on the flop. Given that it's only one hand and that it belies a not very advanced thought process, I wouldn't tend to get overly fancy here and I'd just default to the GTO decision to call flop and fold turn.
Tom M 12 years, 2 months ago
Ew. I think I just fold here even though it's a re-entry. How's your table overall? If it's really hard I might actually call down and fire the 2nd bullet on 1B for a re-draw. If it's soft I fold and exploit the fish all day long and hope it works out to my advantage.

It sucks that the only pair he could 4 bet with that we beat pre has a boat on this board. AKhh is in his range here, I'd say, but it's just one hand.

Blah. I don't like it. The hands you reference in your OP he's playing so passively and now he's going hard on this board. I think I shrug/fold turn.
AdamHendrix 12 years, 2 months ago
Fold on turn, and consider folding pf. If you are planning to call a 4 bet you should have no reason to fold JJ w/ 3 unders on the flop. On the turn, just fold, and pick a better spot.
Sam Greenwood 12 years, 1 month ago
Him flatting 97o to a three bet once, doesn't mean he does it always and it doesn't mean he has a pure value 4bet range. He clearly puts far too many chips in the pot in all situations and unless I had a good read I would shove the turn. I do think his 4bet size is strong especially because he made it small with a7o otb, but with no other information about his 4betting size I can't glean that much from it.

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