JJ 3-bet pot IP
Posted by Baraky
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Mid Stakes
JJ 3-bet pot IP
LJ: Jon Doe: 0
HJ: RomeOpro: 2985
CO: Astana848: 2470
BN: Lagrecasso: 3238
SB: grannyb88: 2900
BB: emran86: 365
UTG: MoshiMoshi84: 3607
UTG1: woyakko: 5915
UTG2: bennybunny18: 3395
UTG3: tewerun: 3025
HJ: RomeOpro: 2985
CO: Astana848: 2470
BN: Lagrecasso: 3238
SB: grannyb88: 2900
BB: emran86: 365
UTG: MoshiMoshi84: 3607
UTG1: woyakko: 5915
UTG2: bennybunny18: 3395
UTG3: tewerun: 3025
(9 Players)
Lagrecasso was dealt
MoshiMoshi84 folds, woyakko folds, bennybunny18 raises to 125, tewerun folds, RomeOpro folds, Astana848 folds, Lagrecasso raises to 350, grannyb88 folds, emran86 folds, bennybunny18 calls 225
MoshiMoshi84 folds, woyakko folds, bennybunny18 raises to 125, tewerun folds, RomeOpro folds, Astana848 folds, Lagrecasso raises to 350, grannyb88 folds, emran86 folds, bennybunny18 calls 225
(2 Players)
bennybunny18 checks,
Lagrecasso checks
(2 Players)
bennybunny18 bets 500,
Lagrecasso calls 500
(2 Players)
bennybunny18 bets 650,
Lagrecasso calls 650
Final Pot
bennybunny18 has
wins 3075
How should I have played this hand? I think c-betting is way better here to balance with our bluffs, and I'm convinced that it was a mistake to check, but I want to point to this river situation. It's very faced up that I have value and being a so drawy heavy board I "shouldn't" be folding much. That leads to the villain not being able to bluff aswell, and I feel I almost always meet value in their hand calling the river. Is it a standard fold the way it was played? Standard reg, not much to say about him beside he was opening quite loosely (that's why I decided to 3-bet where I usually just call).
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Flop is whatever, I usually check behind.
I think the turn decision is close because you are facing a huge bet and have the one of the worst hand ever to bluff catch there, since you block a half of QJ combos, that a loose guy may peel pre.
I dont see the picture where a guy bets 500 IN 775 OTT to give up river. So, even if we are folding OTT it is clearly exploitable but you can get away cheaply from this, because the turn decision conditional to the river play is better to fold. I was kinda surprised by his river sizing, since you have almost no 7x or sets on your pre flop range.
br ?
Yeah, it's definitely exploitable to always fold it, even if I'm protected by the AK's I also planned to cbh. Optimally speaking, you always find the king here, unless it's a completely unbalanced opponent, so I guess this type of situation must be a call turn/fold river (optimally speaking). BR (Felipe Baraky, Lagrecasso), you?
I think posting this HH without your river decision and the results of the hand would get way better advice.
But being completely honest i think your assessment in you OP is spot on. I'm betting this flop A TON of the time, rarely checking behind. But as played OTT, folding river is a must especially with his sizing.
What was your thinking when checking back flop? just curious
Balancing checking AK/KK and AA's also thinniethepooh, but that would lead me to an entire value or bluffcatcher range. Undoubtedly betting with an unpolarized range, even though I don't believe I see many floats would be better because: 1) sometimes he will float AJ/AQ, call or raise with JQ. 2) protection against some outs he does have. 3) gives me the possibility to c-bet my bluffs that missed the board. 4) Relatively easy fold after cbh turn knowing he has a lot of value after calling my c-bet. When my c-bet isn't purely for value I get lost sometimes. I've been realizing that we have a c-beting value range and a c-beting "protection/info/thin value" range that I would sometimes check back and it is definitely a mistake. I'd like some insights about c-betting here, just for a concept purpose. I wanted to point at first this specific situation where it's faced up that we have a strong bluff catcher and villain still barrells in a draw-heavy board. So I came to the conclusion that it's better not thinking about his bluff range, but the range they "should" make us fold by barreling. Sometimes they have a draw-heavy range but we have so many "strong" bluffcatchers in some situations they just missed their draws, that they just don't bluff at all, despite of not having showdown value. It's a controversial spot where I think I ALWAYS meet value in their hands, no matter how many pot odds we have and how many drawing hands they have ;p
The problem of this c-bet is: dead money is not relevant in terms of stacks, you block a good part of the worse hands that will call you OTF, you can not triple barrel, you rarely will take the pot down, since the Kx that you block (KJ) he probably folds pre so your hand is not good enough against the portion of his range that he is going to continue and you have a poor bluff catcher.
Of course our perceived range is stronger than his but in this spot we are over c-betting with JJ there, since even tough we have 12 combos of AK, I am not sure about 3betting KQ-KJ there, and TT are just 3 combos. So, we have very few Kx in our range and by the rundown we have just KK-TT and he has TT and the lowers sets. In overall, I dont think that c-betting JJ on KTx accomplishes much and I would check back-fold often on this blind level.
lembro que vi esse nick na donkeylandia la mas nem entro mais pra discutir, so aqui mesmo. gl ai
I think it depends on how wide he's been opening but I think the flop cbet is good. you have some good FE as you rep AK and strong pairs fairly wide. No reason to have him on monsters - I also think JJ is probably evenish with his 3bc and check ahead range so its prob +EV just as a value bet...
As played I like turn call and river fold
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