Interesting Hand at Final Table of Sunday Major
Posted by Kcannon
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High Stakes
Interesting Hand at Final Table of Sunday Major
LJ: 960314
HJ: 840624
CO: 870324
BN: 1564509
SB: 880624
BB: 2132444 (Hero)
UTG: 596442
UTG1: 921811
UTG2: 772908
HJ: 840624
CO: 870324
BN: 1564509
SB: 880624
BB: 2132444 (Hero)
UTG: 596442
UTG1: 921811
UTG2: 772908
(9 Players)
Hero was dealt
UTG folds, UTG1 folds, UTG2 folds, LJ folds, HJ folds, CO raises to 60000, BN folds, SB folds, Hero calls 30000
UTG folds, UTG1 folds, UTG2 folds, LJ folds, HJ folds, CO raises to 60000, BN folds, SB folds, Hero calls 30000
(2 Players)
Hero bets 69995,
CO calls 69995
(2 Players)
Hero bets 175995,
CO calls 175995
(2 Players)
Hero bets 105550,
CO raises to 561334
That's a super small range and was seeing if anyone had thoughts on this.
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I would ch/decide river but now i think you're in a worse spot than if you checked river.
For what its worth, i think you're repping less hands how you played it. You only really have a set, 97 or a straight for value as well as you're missed draws such as flushes, overs w/ BD draws and the Ahxx hands you donk with NFD blocker.
Along with you're sizing i think it tells of a pretty unbelievable story because i don't think you're turn and river sizing lets you ever have a straight here so we can discount your value range even more so.
Apologies if longwinded or my thinking is way off but that's my take on it.
As played I kinda like your river bet (but hate your reasoning). I think he has a made hand most of the time and isn't going to be turning it into a bluff and this bet does definitely gets some thin value. He can easily have a hand like 55 here and jsut click call. I think if we check we gotta be check/folding so if this bet gets value it has to be a good play. Once he shoves I think it's a snap fold. We only beat a very passively played missed flush draw that got no showdown value which is really optimistic when he certainly can show up with rivered 2 pair+ hands here and we have major ICM considerations with our stack size at a final table.
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