interesting A-high riverspot in $16.50 6max final2tables
Posted by shorshi
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interesting A-high riverspot in $16.50 6max final2tables
CO: 41388
BN: 165881
SB: 31431
BB: 252857
HJ: 113186 (Hero)
BN: 165881
SB: 31431
BB: 252857
HJ: 113186 (Hero)
(5 Players)
Hero was dealt
Hero raises to 5625, CO folds, BN calls 5625, SB folds, BB folds
Hero raises to 5625, CO folds, BN calls 5625, SB folds, BB folds
(2 Players)
Hero bets 7981,
BN calls 7981
(2 Players)
Hero bets 14406,
BN calls 14406
(2 Players)
Hero checks,
BN bets 35000,
Hero calls 35000
Final Pot
BN has
wins 131324
I see so much more draws than made hands here, i.e. the obvious flushdraws, 76, he easily couldve hands like KhQx , just calling with backdoor hearts, straights and 2 overs on the flop, picking up an OESD on the turn.
On the river i just cant see him valuebetting here much... I think he would never bet any PocketPair, any 5, any 8 and i would guess that the only J he bets would be AJ (and i block one Ace), i am sure he would check KJ QJ etc.
I think his bluffing range is so huge in this spot im comparison to his valuerange, so i decided to herocall.
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The fact that i hold the Ah really is more important than i thought in the first place, now that i think aabout it.. makes it a good chunk more value-heavy on the riv for him... hm. But thanks for somewhat 'agreeing' with me on the thought process, glad it wasnt a complete brain fart
Also, because it's FT bubb of a pretty soft tourny, I don't really want to be getting into spots like this and end up hero'ing off my equity.
As played I'd probably fold the river because of his sizing.. I think if he had a bluff he'd bet smaller, like 25k or something. He can quite easily be value betting just like J9o or something similar, plus you might not beat some of his bluffs. Yesterday I played almost identical hand and a guy just potted the river with bottom pair when every draw missed.
I don't think that he would check back many Jx hands on the river.
The turn is not a good bluff card and although there is still some value in betting we should prob pot control and check.
If you bet the turn you should bet fold the river really small as you rep a ten so he can't really bluff you.
If we check the turn we can check call a reasonable bet sometimes or make a small bluff with maybe a K or a Q
If we check turn, i think we can call more bets on the river as he'll have more bluffs in his range but when he calls two streets i think he has more pair hands in his range, especially on that turn. It completes a lot of stuff and his range picks up a lot more equity and SD value.
I wouldn't mind either a bet > check/c > check/c, or check/c > check/c > check/decide but a bet > bet > ch/c line seems very thin.
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