ICM pre flop spot 3 handed £5 deepstack
Posted by pillow100
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Low Stakes
ICM pre flop spot 3 handed £5 deepstack
Hello all,
Apologies I don't have the HH itself just looking for some opinions on a 3 handed FT spot. Wasn't playing with a hud but both players left aren't good but not really bad recreational level (imagine they were breakeven ish at low stakes). BTN hasn't been overly aggressive and hasn't been defending much against opens and post flop bet sizing especially with value bets was poor, the hand comes shortly after we became 3 handed. Tourney was on iPoker, payouts are fairly top heavy, I don't have exact figures but rough payouts 1st: £180, 2nd: £110 3rd: £80.
Blinds 40k/80k/8k
BTN (2,200,000)
SB (800,000)
Hero (3,500,000)
Hero has KQs
BTN opens 200,000, SB folds, Hero...
I assigned a rough opening range of A5o+ A2s+ KTo+ QJo+ K9s+ QTs+ JTs 9Ts 22+ (about 23%) for the BTN, when running it on ICMIZER it was profitable but not by a lot. I imagine 3bet/call is worse than shoving, just wondering what people think would be the optimal line to take, maybe flatting OOP or 3bet/folding may be more profitable in this spot than the shove, also my assigned range of SB is a bit of a guess so thoughts on assigning a range for the button would be appreciated as well.
Many thanks in advance,
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Against the second stack, i would opt (almost always) to a 3bet (like 3x)/fold rather than a push. When pushing in this situation we have:
But after all, why risking 60% of our stack when only 17% of it would do the same job (if we want to win the hand right away - we are forcing the BTN to put more 20% of his remaining stack in the middle); and through ICM thought, you avoid that the shorter stack wins too much in this giant battle... you can be sure that everything that he wants is that you enter in this battle for all of your chips. He wins really much everytime that all the chips goes in.
Pushing never, 3-betting is better, to 3,5x or something like that. Just to discourage him to call.
I'd be 3betting to put the pressure on the button. He doesn't want to bust before the short stack. So, I think he will shove or fold most times. I don't see him flatting many hands.
Sizing: I'd go with 525-575k preflop.
This hand is just way to strong to 3b/f but considering ICM it's suicide to 3b/c. Without knowing his 4b% or fold to 3bet I would either 3b shove (to apply ICM pressure) or call, keeping my BB calling range strong.
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