How to continue?

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How to continue?

So, ive read kinda 4 books( kill phill, harringtons, hand for hand tournament), which appears to be that the only one good was harringtons. The problem is im stuck in microstakes. Im merging to Cash( Ive read Peter Clarks, one of the best books in my opinion), in order to create a bankroll, since in MTT is pretty difficult mostly in the small tourneys.

How can i continue? Should I read more books or get to pay a web course like upswing or RYE? Do you agree is better to create a Bank in cash and then come back to MTT of 5$? Cause I finish or breakeven or in negative in the 1$-2$ mtts.



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tbettingen 6 years, 11 months ago

You can definitely build a bankroll just playing MTTs, it might just be a slightly longer process with a lot more variance when compared to cash games. If you want, you can play some multi-table SNGs as well to become familiar with ICM lategame decisions and to reduce your variance some as you grind your way through Tournaments.

Even though they are usually big fields, $1 and $2 Tournaments won't differ too much from $5 MTTs - building a bankroll to be able to play $5+ Tournaments likely won't help your game and you'll end up in the same spot. I'd suggest playing as much as you can, posting as many hands to the forums as possible, and watching videos whenever you can. Given you have read several books already, I wouldn't dedicate too much time to reading more books.

There are plenty of videos discussing low stakes tournaments, they will certainly be a resource in improving your game even at $1 and $2 tournaments.

Manuks21 6 years, 11 months ago

Thanks for answering!

Yeah ill try with SNGs at the same moment when I play MTTs. The other day I found some videos where players analyse hands from 1-2 Mtts, ill search more of those and post more hands here!


Eddie Spencer-Small 6 years, 11 months ago

I built my bankroll using MTTs, ironically I took the advice you took and tried to build my bankroll up with cash games, that sent me back by months. I simply didn't have a passion for the format, and that made it so much harder for me to improve my game. MTTs do have more variance in them, so expect bigger swings, but there is plenty of money to be made in the smaller stakes, so by all means don't stop playing MTTs.

Invest in ICM programs, watch plenty of videos on here, get involved in the forums, work on your mental game, improve every day (even if it's only a tiny amount) and you'll eventually get there.

Manuks21 6 years, 11 months ago

Yeah thats right!

I tested the ICMizer free and those 3 hands per day to analyse really helped a lot!

Il buy it and keep grinding!

Eddie Spencer-Small 6 years, 11 months ago

If you can afford it, get the SNG quiz. It makes it a lot easier to quantify which parts of your shoving game needs work, and it has leaderboards, so you can work on getting to number one out of everyone that uses it.

Solarius92 6 years, 11 months ago

I think every player who wants to be a MTT grinder should start in 45 and 180p SNGs. When you are starting it's hard to make deep runs in fields with 1k or 2k people, the variance in these games is huge. Chances of have a non-profitable week or month are big, simply because there's too much people and it's harder to reach super late stages. I guess I took around 6k games to reach my first "The Big" or "The Hot" final table.

As tbettingen said, when you play smaller fields you will be in more final tables, reduce variance, gain confidence and experience in different stages of tournaments.

As personal experience, I was frustrated when I started my bankroll because I wanted to win tournaments like the The Hot 0,55 or the Big $1,10. What saved my bank though was playing 45p $0,25 SNG. Then I went to 180p & 45p $1 SNG. Only after beating these limits and gaining some experience in tournament bubbles, FTs, 6-handed, 3-handed, heads up, etc, I started a transition to focus on MTTs. And even after making some move ups, I have played a lot of $4,50 180p.

Cash-game is a completely different game. Ranges, preflop sizings and stack depth are different. There aren't ICM considerations. So if you play both games at the same time you might get confused. Moreover I wouldn't invest in something as RYE at this point, you can find some useful and less expensive content to beat these games ar RIO Essential, forums and youtube channels.

Feel free to PM me for further questions. GL!

Manuks21 6 years, 11 months ago

Thanks a Lot!

I Will try to play SNGs, at the same time I play MTTS, maybe it get to later stages at the SNGs and gives me more confidence.

When Study, I post hands here with pokertracker, also use ICMizer, but do you recommend any other path? How can i study RIO?


Solarius92 6 years, 11 months ago

I think that if you could start with essential membership. If you go through the essential videos at Learning Paths ( in MTTs and NLH, it will help you to improve in some important fundamentals required, like opening ranges, blind defense, 3beting, etc.

Posting/debating hands and ICMizer are also very useful tools.

Manuks21 6 years, 11 months ago

How can i study wrong played hands, not only by posting. My all ins, mostly, are +EV so im not too worried about that. How can i study if I played well a hand? (not posting, since i dont have PT4, altough I post) with piosolver?

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