hero call w/ 77
Posted by davidvff
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Low Stakes
hero call w/ 77
Blinds: t200/t400 (9 Players)
SB: 7,451
BB: 13,132 (Hero)
UTG: 4,195
UTG+1: 17,644
MP: 6,022
MP+1: 13,761
MP+2: 22,840
CO: 21,278
BN: 24,538
BB: 13,132 (Hero)
UTG: 4,195
UTG+1: 17,644
MP: 6,022
MP+1: 13,761
MP+2: 22,840
CO: 21,278
BN: 24,538
Hero is BB with
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versus reg of low stakes
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He would play Tx on this way and you block with the 7 hands that he may be bluffing. Also, the bet check bet line doesn't seem to be the one that people tend to bluff very often.
i can't view your comment rapha /:
I put him on spades draw, maybe KQs/JQs. He finds a flush draw on the flop and obviously his c-beting this flop. On the turn the ace slow him and as you said, he as a reg, so probably he was playing a lot of tourneys, so here he is not gonna pay to much attetion (he chooses to ck/call with a flush draw and a gutshot)
He misses the river but tried to bluff just because you checked
Ace is more his card than hero's so if he had a flush draw he should be barreling it OTT. I suppose he has some SDV, like a pair between 66-99 or a weak T.
I would not call here, if he checks turn after betting flop seems like hes got some showdown value weak Ace, jj-kk a ten! The ace is the perfect scare card to barrel with a bluff or any draw
I like the river call. IMO it doesn't make much sense for a reg to check the A turn if he has an A just because the board is super wet and turn double-flushes it. I would think a lot of your peeling range on flop is going to consist of smaller pp's and lots of draws, and a competent player should probably not be checking back the turn when they hit- especially since they should expect to get another street of value out of a bunch of worse hands and should not allow your super wide BB defend range to see a free river.
If you were to change anything about your line I would suggest you consider a checkraise on the flop since you have all of the nuts and super draws in your range and your actual hand doesn't like a lot of turns that can come up. You also have some equity and possibly the best hand even when your checkraise is called.
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I think that he's not bluffing here very often, just because the A on the turn is the perfect card for him to bluff at. I've seen some donks trying to bluff the river since you checked and your perceived range is a missed draw or a one pair hand, like medium pp's and Tx, but if it's a reg I really doubt he is bluffing here. IMO, his range here is basically Tx and some Ax. Some people say that he would'nt check back the turn if he hit the A but sometimes ppl do this in order to get an extra street of value on the river from the exact hand you have (all pp's, Tx and even 8x), which would probably fold to a bet on the turn.
I think a weak player could check back on the turn if he gets a flush draw on the turn, and then try to bluff the river when he misses it. But a reg is more likely semi-bluffing in this spot, betting turn and river.
My read is exactly the same that Saulo had . When he checks back on the turn, he probably has decent showndown value, like 10-x or an ace with an weak kicker, and after you check the river, he is going to valuebet thin. So in that spot I'd fold
If he triplebarrels here, I really think that my 7s can be good, since the turn is the perfect card to bluff and even Ax in position would probably check back the river after being called in two streets.
I see some comments saying that he is a reg. If this guy realy was a reg then he would represent the A obviously because it's more likely for him to have an A by the way the hand was played pre-flop. Double barreling is the correct play for the opener. That said, I think he was on a spade draw or a lower pair but a lower pair seems unlickley here. Well played
I would fold river. . . his sizing and checking back turn looks like he has showdown, all his draws barrel turn IMO
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