Heads up $55 fo preflop spot

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Heads up $55 fo preflop spot

Heads up in a $55 tourney. Been heads up for an hour at this point. I started at a 4-1 chip disadvantage but have taken the lead. I haven't had many hands but chipped up with a lot of preflop shoving when I was really short and then put pressure on when I had some chips shoving over his opens with hands that had decent blockers. He's very predictable post flop when he opens. He bets the flop and check folds the turn when he misses. He barrels when he hits.

He has folded to all of my shoves except for when he got very short. He had 8bb and I open shoved a10. He called with k7 off and hit. Blinds are up and now I have 25bb and he has 17bb.

He min raises and I have k10 of clubs. He's been mixing up his play between limping and min raising and doesn't have many bluffs post flop. As I said earlier he has folded to all of my shoves except for the one when he had 8bb. Is the better play here to shove with good equity or flat and play a hand with 17bb being effective stacks?


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Rapha Nogueira 10 years, 1 month ago

Hand plays very well post flop at this stack depth and bad against his calling range. Seems a very good candidate to put in your flatting range.

midori 10 years, 1 month ago

HUD stats will be useful - do you have any? Actually, the correct play can flip from flatting to 3b jamming (and vice versa) depending on some stats, namely SB open, limp, fold to 3b, flop c-bet, etc.

Like Raphael said, KTs plays fairly well postflop and this is often considered as a standard call. There are, however, spots where 3b jamming can be more +EV. I'm a little bit tempted to think that could be the case here because he seems to be folding a ton to our 3b, in which case we add 3bb to our stack. But like I said, I would need some HUD stats to draw any conclusions beyond that :)

midori 10 years, 1 month ago

Oh wait, you told us it's been an hour of HU playing - was this a live tourney? (I kinda feel like a donkey for having asked a HUD for a live hand..)

Jeff 10 years, 1 month ago

Not a live hand. It was an hour heads up online. As far as HUD stats, I could look but don't have them broken out to heads up play, but ii feel like my description covers it well. Limp half raise half. Has folded to every shove except for when he called with k7 off and 8bb. Cbets 75% of flops and gives up when he misses the turn.

midori 10 years, 1 month ago

I see. Since he's not barreling a ton on the turn, which is a plus for us when we have SDV hands like K or Q high, I'm more inclined to call. KTs is a hand that we can float with on a decent amount of flops, and if he plays turn honestly/straightforwardly, we can not only show our K high down but also turn it into a bluff/value bet thinly/etc. on the river.

I'm almost positive that 3b jamming is +EV as well, but we can probably do even better by flatting. Obviously, this will change if he barrels a ton on the turn, or raise/calls wide preflop, but that doesn't seem to be the case here.

By the way, an hour-long match online is impressive!

Jeff 10 years, 1 month ago

I agree on the flatting, especially against a player who I felt like I had a huge advantage over. At the time I was ready to go to bed, already had a good day taking 3rd in another one - the final table on that started when I got heads up in this one and I went out a8 vs a4 aip while still heads up here. So probably a combination of frustration from that hand and ready to be done with this one I decided to shove. He called with a7 off, that left me with 8bb and then I shoved a4 he called with q5 and hit a q.

I think shoving here is +ev but given my perceived edge wasn't the right line to take and a flat would have played better. The hand bugs me because I feel like I left money on the table that should have been mine. I couldn't be happier with the way I played heads up until this hand.

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