FTP Triceratops --> Late stage re-steal question
Posted by SPrince
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Mid Stakes
FTP Triceratops --> Late stage re-steal question
Hey guys, cant find the hand i wanted to disscuss in HEM, it was from Triceratops with 20ish plrs left.I was at a really soft table with 4 mega fish (shoving super wide, calling wide...), 2 weakish regs and 1 good reg.
Preflop: Hero (15BB) is SB with XX
3 folds, Co (Good reg-somewhat tightish) opens to 2x, 1 fold
Hero --> How wide should we re-steal here considering everything ?
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This is a bit game flow dependant also. How many times he raise/folded in late position ? How shallow are him, BN and BB ? What is your image on the table ? How many re-steals all in you already made ?
I like 77+, AJo+, ATs+ to jam (KQs is close and has better blocker value than ATs but shoving KQs and him calling ATs is reasonably likely and is a bad spot). It is tighter than most regs (that may go with 55+, KQo+ there) but with 15bb you have a plenty of room to find good spots.
It depends how often he's opening the CO, but given a normal range (and no <10bigs stacks in BB or Btn) you need be shoving wider than Raphael suggests IMO. Including all suited broadway a lot of suited Ax and probably as wide as A9o and KJo with be +cEV.
it is too much player dependant I guess. sometimes I shove J9s and sometimes I fold KQo. the variations of the basic range should be decided through player and game flow but shoving much wider than this you are letting too much room to be exploited if people already adjusted from your first shove.
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