FT main 10k neverscaredB's call on river, thoughts?
Posted by jasylum
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High Stakes
FT main 10k neverscaredB's call on river, thoughts?
CO: Better C4ll: 3349807
BN: NeverScaredB: 2247059
SB: M.nosbocaJ: 598960
BB: vandir4rek: 1352617
UTG1: Se7enTr3y: 833733
LJ: Grindation: 567605
So im interested to know what people think of bens call here , i know st8$$$Homey is a RIO coach on here (ul on the 15th :() and would be interested if he felt any dynamics with these two players that led him to call here (i know ben only knows this but still interested to know how standard this is in a $10k FT agaist a UK guy whom i know nothing about (SS him cant find any info on him), i dont know if ben frequents these boards and obviously i am interested in his thoughts on the hand (bet sizing, timing tell, game flow, villains tendencies (ie. co steal, flop and turn cbet %'s?) i know he posts on 2+2 but not sure about here ..
anyways to the hand in question, if u were in bens shoes, standard hero call here when villian raises light in CO alot you assume, but to call 3 barrels on that board is pretty gutsy, as only real hands are total whiffs or j10 ... anyways, thoughts?
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That guy probably had a raise first of 100% from any position on that ft, so when he reps so narrow going for 3 streets and big on the river , makes nsb blockers a good candidate to call him down.
He was playing like 20/17 or 22/18, something like that. Grindation was the insane guy and NSB was pretty loose, also. This guy has like 50 games on Stars and nobody has very good info about him.
If he is spewing T8o like this I'm pretty sure that QJ is a standard call OTR, specially against this strange sizings on this board.
Having a Q with no heart in your hand here makes for a deece spot to hero if the guy is a total banana. If he's in line I think we need to find a fold here.
The hand is cool to think about because it's somehow spectacular. Yet, there are potential key elements that we won't have, such as: sizing tells, timing tells, and strategic implications. We also don't have reads on ranges that players might have (for instance, some players will not value bet thin often enough with, say, A9. or they would take a different line). Maybe the chip leader is expected to get out of line more often than not.
We don't know NeverScaredB's plan for this FT, either. He might have found strategically interesting to make a big hero call (if it works, I can see many advantages: becoming chip leader first + the thin call gives you a great momentum, a fearless image + it's likely to make the other big stack back off considerably, leaving him more room to steal wildly)
dont think the call down is too good unless the villan is triple barreling the bottom of his range at near the same freq hes value betting....say villan opens 20%(is this reasonable?) and barrels away with a polarized range of a5+,hearts, and trash - about 55% of a 20% range contains those value hands so we really need him to be overbluffing like a mad man to hero it up.....Im sure NSB had some sick reads to make this profitable but in general I think the turn is a fold
"That guy probably had a raise first of 100% from any position on that
ft, so when he reps so narrow going for 3 streets and big on the river ,
makes nsb blockers a good candidate to call him down."
I was railing and that's pretty much what it will have been imo.
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