FT bubble spot with 77
Posted by Misha Savinov
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Misha Savinov
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High Stakes
FT bubble spot with 77
Our stack is 6/10, 24 big blinds. Our stats are 17/13/5. We are on the button with 7-7, two people fold, and we raise 2 bbs.
1) Is it better to limp to avoid ICM rape at this spot?
Brazilian chipleader (~50 bbs) on the small blind runs like 28/23/12. He 3bet two of my three opens earlier, first time with AA (I won preflop with an underpair), second time I folded. Once again he 3bets me to 4.5bb, and the big blind folds.
2) What is the best line here?
Math hint: if he is calling a shove with 99+ AQ+, I need him to fold ~48% of hands to make it a chip-neutral play.
But I have no idea how to adjust math to reflect ICM.
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Limping is only a decent option if you are planning to fold to a 3 bet, otherwise I am not huge fan. Nearly every flop is going to look pretty grim.
I think some would advocate jamming as it takes the thought out of it and puts max pressure on. I am not a huge fan as it feels a little spewy with 22bb.
Raise folding feels pretty weak, but can we wait and find a better spot? You are really guessing here and it also depends how loose you think the BB will call. If he is calling as low as 88, KQ, AJ it gets even stickier.
Stop and going is an option - the flat could confuse the BB and looks kind of strong on a weird way.
I can't really help with the math. Instinctively I think it is a jam, but ICM wise it is probably smarter to fold and wait for a better spot although I feel pretty weak advocating this.
Misha, when you min raised pre were you intending to 4-bet all in against anyone who played back at you? Did you think he had a foldable range (if so, what would it be?), or were willing to play a flip? (or worst case scenario run into a bigger pair). Sorry if that sounds aggressive or condescending. I don't mean it that way. Genuinely curious.
For whatever it's worth I think I would have openshoved pre. And second choice would be 2x pre and fold to the 2.25x rr.
Could calling his rr be an option, in position?
Open jamming feels bad. Sure, we pick up the blinds and antes a fair amount and go from 24 bb to to like 26 or 27 bb. Maybe we make 88 and 99 shrug and fold? Probably not. We're inducing nothing worse and getting called by everything better. I just can't see this being good.
And, in my opinion, 77 doesn't flop well enough to call a 3 bet when we're going to fold to most c-bets or 2 barrels and then be the new short stack.
As I don't have an open shove range with stacks above 14-16 bb in my game, it's hard for me to discuss this line from math standpoint. However, I have a story about it, not really relevant to the hand above, but anyway. A very good friend of mine was playing WSOP ME (2012) and made it to the top 200 or so. He had a really aggro table, and he is also a kinda crazy aggro guy. So he wakes up with 5-5 under the gun with 28 big blinds, thinks briefly about being 3bet and cold 4bet light, and just ships the whole stack. Sam Holden to his left has queens, gg. Once again, not really relevant to the situation, but it kinda hurts to burn a decent stack like this. So I don't do this for the sake of emoEV :)
My thoughts are that it seems better to shove and force ICM decision on others, than to raise 2x and then 4-bet all in against what seems to me like zero fold equity - just not sure anyone is 3-betting to 2.25x and not inducing your shove. Even if they are Brazilian ;)
I mean does anyone ever expect anything other than a shove from the OP when they 3-bet him like that? And because of that I think opponent is unlikely to hold something like A5s that he might fold, or even 33, 44, 55, 66, 77, 88, (which I think they would just 3-bet shove with if they are going to play it at all). Best hope is to be flipping against KQ+, AT+? (Honestly I think the 2.25x 3-bet blinds versus button on exact bubble is 99+, AQ, AK, and everything else just shoves or folds).
Or you think maybe they are spazzing sometimes with QJs, A9o, etc? Seems like it will be rare for that to happen.
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