French 100 euro ft V moorman

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French 100 euro ft V moorman

HJ: fearlesplay: 545485
CO: Bonjour12340: 1507323
BN: Senta99: 669300
SB: L'$nchanteur: 702646
BB: mat3011: 247366
UTG: uhaveair: 249906
UTG1: steevic: 98918
UTG2: Shelob16: 993376
LJ: b8chatzz: 215680
Preflop (24000) (9 Players)
Senta99 was dealt Q T
uhaveair folds, steevic folds, Shelob16 folds, b8chatzz folds, fearlesplay folds, Bonjour12340 raises to 32800, Senta99 calls 32800, L'$nchanteur folds, mat3011 folds
Flop (89600) 5 8 J (2 Players)
Bonjour12340 checks, Senta99 bets 39975, Bonjour12340 raises to 99975, Senta99 raises to 594525, Bonjour12340 calls 534525
Turn (1358600) 7 (2 Players)
River (1358600) 3 (2 Players)
Final Pot
Bonjour12340 has J 8 Senta99 has Q T Bonjour12340 wins 1376600
In recent history (final two tables pretty much) I had 3b moorman 3 times. Twice getting folds and once v a moorman ep open gettin a cold 4b jam which i tank called w/AJo (villain AJs). He had 3b me once and I folded.

So early on FT felt like calling>3b>fold pre, but post kinda unsure..

I felt like pretty good chance moorman was going to check raise me on flop a fair bit when he doesn't just chose to c-bet, but to get it in with something like AA/KK/QQ/AJ and any two pair, and expect him to bet JJ more often than check raise. However I feel he will just c-bet AA/KK/QQ/AJ a fair bit also.
So assuming a relatively tight check raise inducing range, is it better for me to bet with the intention of jamming flop as played?

Or check back intending on calling turn and betting/folding riv if unimproved.
I feel its a clearer bet/jam without 3 shorties on a fairly weak FT... but interested to hear if this is an ICM disaster (by betting) or a cooler.


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Mark Dillon 12 years, 3 months ago
In spots like this I like taking the gamble.

You're never dead to his range even if his c/r range is purely value, which with it being Moorman is unlikely.

Losing probably isn't a huge ICM disaster without knowing payouts, but knowing Stars in general is fairly shallow.

Winning allows you to damage the best player at the table, have a stack to put pressure on him in position, and generally allow you to dictate the rest of the tournament if the final table is as weak as you say.
Espen Sørlie 12 years, 3 months ago
I would always flat here. It is pretty bad to get it in against AJ+ with the current stacksizes.
I am not sure, but I suspect moorman will call it off with most of his valuerange when you jam over his c/r. Like, I dont expect him to c/r/f JQ or something (could very easily be wrong here and would like some other input without discussing too much of one persons tendencies). Which means you're not folding out any value hands and his pure bluffcombos need to increase a lot.

"Winning allows you to damage the best player at the table, have a stack to put pressure on him in position, and generally allow you to dictate the rest of the tournament if the final table is as weak as you say."

Think I am more in the camp for trying to maintain my stack and stay out of moormans way this early. since you have position on him he cant really constantly pressure you and we can pick our spots when he folds.
Sauce123 12 years, 3 months ago
If this was a cash game it's still probably a call most of the time.

Add in four shorties at a FT and you should rarely if ever 3ball this unless you think he's on the level where he's just totally out of control on the flop checkraise, but he's not.
Tom M 12 years, 3 months ago
Preflop is good. I hate when people turn a hand like QThh into a bluff IP and need to fold when they get 4 bet.

On the flop I'm almost tempted to check back for deception because we have so many clean outs most of the time and I can't imagine he'd put us on this sort of hand if we check. I know we're both deep but I just don't seem him committing that many chips to the pot without a strong hand 9 handed at the FT with 4 short stacks.

We could check flop, raise turn IP if he leads, or just bet if checked two and almost always get 2 streets of value if we hit. I don't see us getting 3 streets of value from Jx if we hit our hand and I don't see him going nuts with just Jx for this many chips in this spot.
Paul Senter 12 years, 3 months ago
Ye I like the idea of bet calling the flop. Didn't really consider it at the time. Should prob slow things down in spots like that rather than just auto jamming.
Espen, im also in the maintain stack and not tangle with good ppl early on fts camp, but dont think QJ kind of hands take this line (possibly im wrong) but felt that therefore his check raise was much more weighted to bluffs. I think given his LP open and me only flatting the button makes his line really good as what hand can i actually have for value..
Ben, are you intending on calling all turns and only jamming/betting improved on riv? And do we check back turn assuming he would never c/r flop, check turn then bluff river if we check back turn?
Kempe4ever 12 years, 3 months ago
Am I the only one who hates having a flatting range here? At least with the sort of hand we have? Raise co, bu flats hmmmm.. range? SC, Gapped SC, smaller pairs etc.

I know our hand plays very well, ip. But we are not balanced here and we open us selfs up 2 a squezejam from bb. So maybe in this spot we actually could balance in strong valuehands here as well. But in general I do not like to have any flatting range on bu with this stack size.

When played like it has, I like checking back flop having our whole range balanced. SD, draws and air can all continue vs a bet on turn meaning we can get value by raising river if we get there 4 exampel.
Steve Gross 12 years, 3 months ago
I like it. I'd 3b pre here more often than not vs moorman but have no issues with a flat. There's tons of value in flatting this hand vs his huge opening range on that stack + perceived stubbornness w/ your history. But despite said history I think even Chris isn't going to 4b you light very often with these stacks/situation.

On the flop I'd probably flat the c/r and eval/soulread depending on the turn, likely shoving over many turn bets with 2x pot back and peeling sometimes if you believe he's going with it. But don't really hate the shove at all thinking you'll take it down quite a bit and knowing you're still super live if called.

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