Flop Checkbehind in 3bet Pot from Doug Polk against me (Sunday WarmUP)

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Flop Checkbehind in 3bet Pot from Doug Polk against me (Sunday WarmUP)

Blinds: t1,200/t2,400 (8 Players) UTG: JWPapi: 164,997 (Hero)
MP: WCG|Rider: 343,546
UTG+1: SteVo-HRO: 208,979
MP+1: Secret_M0d3: 64,050
CO: TheJollyJoke: 89,555
BN: sharkusmanly: 33,339
SB: bedias: 190,475
BB: PlzzzO: 57,468
So we were 1600 left with 1200ish bubble. I opened the 3rd hand in a row, just because i had the cards for it.

Im probably a big fish for him/on this stakes. Since I have won a satellite and he doesnt know me.
Preflop (3,600) JWPapi is UTG with 9 9
JWPapi raises to 4,800, WCG|Rider raises to 15,775, 6 folds, JWPapi calls 10,975
For the facts i stated in reads I assume Polks 3bet range pretty wide here. The call is pretty standard I think.
Flop (37,550) 2 3 J
JWPapi checks, WCG|Rider checks
What is Polks Range here?
Turn (37,550) 2 3 J 2
JWPapi checks, WCG|Rider bets 15,771, JWPapi calls 15,771
Now another 2 and he bets. Are there ever any bluffs/worsehands betting against me? I think this is the main question of the hand.
River (69,092) 2 3 J 2 9
JWPapi checks, WCG|Rider bets 38,691, JWPapi calls 38,691
Since the previous action capped his range to nuts/midvalue and bluffs, I dont jam the river. I see him folding AA,KK etc here. Also I dont see him playing these hands like this on the streets before.
Final Pot WCG|Rider wins and shows a full house, Jacks full of Deuces.
WCG|Rider wins 146,474

This hand accured in the sunday warmup and was live shown in his twitch stream. The stream and Polk went pretty crazy about my call. Some said it was the worst call ever, some stated me as genius.

Polk it self says:
"That blows my mind. Honestly guys. I dont understand. how ? how ? How did he not raised the river. I mean well played seriously you got me. Honestly well played. You lost way less than I would have lost. I would have lost all of it. But man thats some nitty ass shit. Thats the kind of poker i want to be associated with."

Im really not sure how ironic he is lol. That limits are just too high for me tbh.

But I think the pretty basic question here is the turn call. If I assume he is only checking the nuts behind on the flop and bets the turn in the 3bet Pot. I should fold turn already. As played I assume he has got bluff/midvalue hands in his range here. So I have to call not shove the rive. Im just not experienced enough to structure his range here. Probably he is not balancing against me.

So summarized, what range do you guys see him check flop bet turn?


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q3timmy 8 years, 6 months ago

Given the positions, the only hands that you could raise that river for value are JJ and 99, and since he has JJ is only 99. Unless you decide to turn Jx and missed FD into a raise bluff on t he river, you will never have a bluff in this spot, and I think most people won't either.

Now, from what I've seen from DP he does not approach things from the more exploitative side of things, so I am not sure what he would call to a raise on that river. If for example, he thinks calling river with AA and KK with no clubs is the correct play, then there are indeed hands that he calls that we beat, and if we can find enough combos to get value from, then 99 becomes a raise.

Andre Bilenky 8 years, 5 months ago

i think in theory wcg checks back some strong but not nutted hands that may call a river jam from you. in practice tho, he will have JJ and some week hands much more often than the ladder , so you really aren't gonna get called by worst much. i think you owned him really really hard in this hand tbh and i admire a lot your play. i just can't imagine myself in one million years not jamming this river and saying oh well another cooler. nh

rogueserpent 8 years, 5 months ago

Dang, half your stack in and call the river. That's scared money although you have valid points. Im betting everything on that flop, but Jacks, and I would bet that a high percentage of the time.

He's betting everything on that flop but jacks and the occasional AA and KK holding a club, but I mean thats a once in a blue moon a check behind. Tough " call. "

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