final table HU 44 w 23 big blinds
Posted by neenee
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Mid Stakes
final table HU 44 w 23 big blinds
hey guys i know this is a ev shove .. but do you like to raise and maybe fold to a shove if vilian its bad and very tight and you think you have bigger edge!? sometimes dont fell really confortable shoving 20bb deep.. for exemple in this spot if i had TT its a ez raise to induce shoves from 22-66 and call.. whats you guys think?
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23 - I open fold with 44.
I play to hit SET.
my formula is
(INITIAL RAISE x 10 > MY STACK) .. is shove.
what? its final table heads up.. you open fold 44 w 23 bigs !?!?
I sorry, HU is all IN
so ur on the button right ? how is he playing so far in this hu match ?
giving the standards I would open 2,5 and probably call his shove, depends on what his shove range looks like.
if called i like to bet for protection on some boards and go from there.
I think its also ok to shove here, but i like to open almost every button, so he probably widenedd
his shove range and then we have to call 4/4 here but it depends on a couple of things u can only see when ur in game. like gameflow, tightness, is he understanding the hu game.. ect
Without going over the calcs, imo its hard to yield more EV from other options than jamming. 'Not being uncomfortable is optimizing for another reason than 'maximizing EV'
My thoughts are:
Shoving is definitely +ev but it's really be villain dependant. If villain is tight eg folding alot to opens and not 3betting wide enough then raise folding is an optimal exploit. If he is calling a lot pre and folding too much on the flop then raising pre and cbetting flops that don't hit his range is good. I don't like raise/calling here as we have no FE which is a big part of what makes these small pps profitable as rejams. The only time raise calling is good imo is when we don't have an edge vs villain and shoving turns our range face up. I generally prefer jamming pre vs a more balanced villain.
What would be your open jamming range here this deep?
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