Facing MPvsEP 3bet in BB with QQ 40bb

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Facing MPvsEP 3bet in BB with QQ 40bb

UTG (19,291) 48bb
UTG+1 (12,815) 32bb
MP1 (35,067) 88bb
MP2 (35,816) 90bb
MP3 (14,612) 37bb
CO (16,594) 41bb
BTN (27,933) 70bb
SB (23,336) 58bb
BB Hero (11,545) 29bb

Blinds: 200/400 Ante 40

Pre-Flop: (960, 9 players) Hero is BB
UTG raises to 800, 2 folds, MP2 raises to 2,400, 4 folds, 2000 to call Hero 11145 behind


MP2 was Playing 24/14 3bet 9 on 80 hands
twice from BB but none so far from other positions. he snaped an 2x overbet shuve before with a Combodraw on the Turn where Villain could also have many better FDs. Was a little weird to not even think a little bit about it imo.

its basically 4k dead money with 11,1k Shovingstack in a slowstructure MTT (2 day)


If he folds 20% and calls with AK and QQ+ its pretty much a break even spot to cold4bet shuv. assuming he has SOME light 3bets and sometimes 3bet/folds a hand like AQ or AJ (disscounted obv). Ep was for 4 Orbits at the table and openened so far 2 of 4 spots EP.


I dont really want to play a 3way spot OOP and let EP realize EQ with some of his Range since he gets a pretty good price to overcall as well. Furthermore i dont hink i really want to open a Coldcall range here.

Agree with that analysis and Hero should just Shuv?


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